Best player to use on windows to play 24bit music

Sep 4, 2014

Currectly i have Winamp, but im not sure its intended to use for 24bit since when i enable it the sofware gives me a warning recommend me to disable it.

I Tried Jriver media center and i couldnt set it to work as my Nad D3020 as output , so i couldnt use that either.

which players are u guys using for make the max from your 24 bit music?

Didn't NAD D3020 show up in Tools > Options > Audio Device?

Foobar and MusicBee are great alternatives.
+1 for foobar. Currently using it with a windows vista pc with spdif coax to a Marantz NA7004 and works fine with hi-res files. But as Vlad says check your settings as you want the pc to see the NAD as a external soundcard, (that is if it has a built-in dac).
Yes, leave Output Encoding off. Here is how my settings look like. My DAC is 96kHz, you set yours to 192kHz.

Also in Windows you need to set for "Allow Application To Take Exclusive Control Of This Device" in your Sound Properties. Example in these images. Go to sound settings, playback, click on the NAD device, click properties and tick the box for exclusive control allowed, click Apply and you are good to go. You should have bitperfect streaming to your DAC without the computer interfering.


Jriver is worth persevering to get working.
One so you can use jremote to control your library awesome app for £6

You can also then try jplay - loads of people slag it off saying does nothing but loads of people swear by it inc me. Ones that slag it off most have spent little no time with or on it

You can try it indefinitely for free but there are settings that need Changing for best sound


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