Best option for improving system


New member
Mar 15, 2008
Hi all

I have a system comprising Rotel RA-02 amp and RCD-02 cd and B&W DM601 S3 speakers. The CD is hardly used now since virtually all listening is through a logitech squeezebox which has given me excellent multi-room listening for 10 years now. I do still play vinyl from time to time as well.

Anyway, I would like to improve the sound from the speakers / amp. I would be perfectly happy to replace them all, but since they have given sterling service for 14 years now, it seems a shame! So, I am looking for advice on best route for improvement.

The speakers have always impressed and would likely benefit from a better amplifier. I was thinking og the Rotel RA-12, especially as the built-in DAC would likely improve the sound out from the SB as well as handling DVD and TV digital outputs, plus it has a phone stage. Other options would be a Quad Vena and an additional phono stage. These options are in the region of £600-650. The Rotels would then be sold.

Any other suggestions of a good amp with DAC? Phono stage not a huge issue since an external phono stage would work well with the room set up anyway. I am not overly keen on pre-power solutions as the fewer separate boxes the better for me.

Other serious option is to replace the lot with a set of active speakers. This is more complcated, but for example the Wharfedale Diamond A1 active look appealing and would handle the digital sources and a line in, so only a turntable stage to add (which would hide behind the unit that the turntable lives on anyway). This is also £600 ish. Would this be a beeter option soundwise? I am struggling to find somewhere to audition the Wharfedales, but they review well... Plus point would be that the Rotels and B&Ws would probably fetch a few quid online.

Any other suggestions for active speakers? I would like to look at Acoustic Energy 1 plus perhaps an Arcam irDAC as pre/DAC but that would cost at least double so would need a bit more justification and a thorough listening test.

Thanks in advance for any advice 🙂
Ant8519 said:
Hi all

I have a system comprising Rotel RA-02 amp and RCD-02 cd and B&W DM601 S3 speakers. The CD is hardly used now since virtually all listening is through a logitech squeezebox which has given me excellent multi-room listening for 10 years now. I do still play vinyl from time to time as well.

Anyway, I would like to improve the sound from the speakers / amp. I would be perfectly happy to replace them all, but since they have given sterling service for 14 years now, it seems a shame! So, I am looking for advice on best route for improvement.

The speakers have always impressed and would likely benefit from a better amplifier. I was thinking og the Rotel RA-12, especially as the built-in DAC would likely improve the sound out from the SB as well as handling DVD and TV digital outputs, plus it has a phone stage. Other options would be a Quad Vena and an additional phono stage. These options are in the region of £600-650. The Rotels would then be sold.

Any other suggestions of a good amp with DAC? Phono stage not a huge issue since an external phono stage would work well with the room set up anyway. I am not overly keen on pre-power solutions as the fewer separate boxes the better for me.

Other serious option is to replace the lot with a set of active speakers. This is more complcated, but for example the Wharfedale Diamond A1 active look appealing and would handle the digital sources and a line in, so only a turntable stage to add (which would hide behind the unit that the turntable lives on anyway). This is also £600 ish. Would this be a beeter option soundwise? I am struggling to find somewhere to audition the Wharfedales, but they review well... Plus point would be that the Rotels and B&Ws would probably fetch a few quid online.

Any other suggestions for active speakers? I would like to look at Acoustic Energy 1 plus perhaps an Arcam irDAC as pre/DAC but that would cost at least double so would need a bit more justification and a thorough listening test.

Thanks in advance for any advice 🙂

For that money is go for a set of actives
At the moment I am looking at an emotiva pt-100. It seems to do a lot and has a lot of good reviews to back it up, including a phono stage.

I have a set of JBL lsr305s and a set of Mackie Mr6 mk3s. They perform admirably for their price points.

JBL are apparently doing a mkii version of the 305 with 5 inch woofers, adding a 306 with 6.5 inch and 308s with 8 inch.
Mackie have released the Mr 524, 624 and 824 with then size woofers also and apparently they are very good. Just an option, listen before you buy, not sure how these compare to your existing setup
Hi Ant8519

My advice is to keep the 601 S3’s as there is still a lot more to be had from them. Look at the used market and replace the RA-02 with its bigger brother the discontinued RA-1062. 601 S3’s and the RA-1062 are a first class match.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Ant8519 said:
Anyway, I would like to improve the sound from the speakers / amp. I would be perfectly happy to replace them all, but since they have given sterling service for 14 years now, it seems a shame! So, I am looking for advice on best route for improvement.

These days, sources and amps are all pretty good. Any improvement there is likely to be incremental. Squeezebox are excellent, so I would leave well alone there until it eventually packs up.

In terms of impact to the listening experience, room comes top of the list, with speakers some distance behind. There is always a tendency to want to buy a new box, when less money spent on room treatment will have a far bigger effect.

My advice would be to start with the room, then think about changing the speakers and only then worry about the amp. If you are willing to delve into room correction (which the squeezebox used to have as a third party authored free add-in, though not sure if it is still supported), then there are significant gains to be had there as well.
Going a completely different route id be inclinded to give the rotel a service (caps might need inspecting and just some TLC in general). Get shot of the CD player (or not) and maybe just add a standalone dac. Theres plenty at that price too choose from, Chord mojo, irdac from arcam too really improve the sound of the SB id also budget a proper standalone phono stage but thats neither here nor there. Amps really havent moved on at all in 14 years and arguably sounded better back then. Unless your looking to fill a bigger space I would concentrate your efforts on improving the source as that will make one of the biggest differances in the system. Or do what Rick mentioned above. And think about room placment as mentioned above as alot just bung there system in the room and dont really think about placement.
Hi all

Thanks for your varied replies. No surpise that opinion differs quite widely 🙂

I am intrigued by the idea that the amp is not the weak link, as I had assumed it to be, albeit one opinion differs.

As to the room, that is a necessary compromise really. It is a small space, with speakers sitting on a solid wood unit about 4 feet apart tweeter to tweeter and just shy of 7 feet from the listening position. There is about 6 inches of space behind them and nothing at all either side. This cannot really be adjusted other than by very small increments. The room size and space constraints have started me thinking about monitor style speakers. The current amp has no problem playing as loud as I would ever want.

Another factor to consider is user friendly-ness. I have loved the Squeezebox and the multi-room set up is nice. The controller still works although I tend to use a phone to control it now. What I really would like is a system remote to control the non-squeezebox sources and not be swamped with remote controls. Bad enough that I already have one each for tv, streaming TV thing, DVD, CD and amp! Hence the thought of the Wharfedale system, although the Arcam irDAC would appear to offer a similar unified music control too.

I'll keep looking for now. THX again.


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