Ken Rockwell certainly makes entertaining reading, although his opinions can be a bit controversial; however, he is a professional photographer, and not just a reviewer!
If tvspecv is talking about camcorders, then I suggest a visit here, or WH Smith to persue some camcorder magazines.
Yes, it carries a pretty hefty price tag - if it didn't, I'd have one already. My point remains though, that there are now a few Digital SLRs (primarily Canon and Nikon I think) that have fantastic quality (some 720, some 1080) video capability, that will outshine your average camcorder for (relatively) modest cost.
That's a US store, and if you order from then you'll almost certainly have to pay import duty and VAT, which may not make it worth it.
A friend bought an entry-level Canon EOS online from an American site a few years ago, and had to pay import tax & VAT - he reckoned he'd have got it for £20 less at Jessops!
The 7D does have an HDMI out socket (mini HD connector), but from some quick research on the web it appears it doesn't output full 1080p through it, only 1080i. Canon's website doesn't seem too detailed on this.