Best film score?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Which Film music did you like most?

I have two that stands out for me

Theme to "The Big Country" Gregory Peck & Charlton Heston etc

and The Deerhunter Theme by John williams..............Beautiful
"The Deer Hunter" is very good, and I'm also rather partial to Vangelis in "Blade Runner".
"Star Trek: The Motion Picture"is one of my favourites (miles better than the film).
I don't understand what this one is all about and I really want to play
gel:I don't understand what this one is all about and I really want to play

Film music that you like. 🙂

gel:I don't understand what this one is all about and I really want to play

Film music that you like. 🙂

Star War's and Narnia, is that right?
My choice for best film score ever is The good the bad the ugly. The best use of music in a movies goes to any film by Tarantino.
v1c:My choice for best film score ever is The good the bad the ugly

Completely agree. the Good The Bad And The Ugly is one of the all time greats and its soundtrack still stands as one of the best (To me the greatest)

Gladiator has a very good soundtrack, Pulp Fiction and Natural Born killers
Blade Runner is top of my tree. Vangelis evokes an atmosphere perfectly in tune with the visuals.

Im also rather partial to the Wendy Carlos score for A clockwork Orange.
Bladerunner and The Good, The Bad & The Ugly also get my vote.
I really like the "There Will Be Blood" Soundtrack by Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead. Its the only soundtrack Ive ever bothered to buy on CD.
yes , the good the bad and the ugly , i also liked the music in "heat" it really suited and enhanced the film ....also inglurious basterds was great ..
Not a film soundtrack precisely, but I'd nominate the Michael Kamen score for Band of Brothers. I've seen it reduce to tears someone who'd never seen the programme.
Id say likes...

Da boyz in da ood, cause they like my brovaz,

And maybez... Uhmmzzzzz.... Newz Jacks Cityz, Cause my boys call me Cash money, cause I likes never have any innit bruv. SAFE

Lol, thought I would add this, as I dont listen to the music while watching a movie.
Difficult to pick out just one, but theme music to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Dear Hunter and The Spy Who Loved Me -- ("Nobody Does It Better" ) are those that leap to mind instantaneously.
Meet Joe Black and The Green Mile in fact all Thomas Newman soundtracks.

Flash Gordon and Highlander for the Queen hits.


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