Best digital audio format (size vs quality)


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hi; I've just had an emergency PC reinstall so all my lovely ripped CDs are gone forever.... I'm therefore going to re-rip and wonder whether there is agreement on the best format is (considering size vs quality). I'll ideally use Itunes to rip but could use other software if required. I'll be using the files on an Ipod (so they have to be ipod compat), streamed via Media Centre 11 to my Xbox 360 and also, in the future, to something like Sonos wirelessly. I used to use MP3pro and was happy with that but there's now 'new kids on the block' so to speak and I'm not sure what to use. I've seen apple lossless well represented in these forums so am thinking this may be the way to go??? What ever format, I'll rip at high quality and would welcome comments. Cheers
I'd rip at full uncompressed WAV quality, and then copy them smaller should you want versions to carry around with you. Computer storage is very very cheap these days, so there's no reason not to store at full resolution.


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