Best built CD player


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Apr 21, 2015
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I'm looking for a budget CD player which is the best built to look for on eBay ? My speakers are mordaunt short pageant 2 ( 40 years old but sound very nice ) and my amp is a nad 3020 ( 30 years old ) will go up to £100 on eBay thank you for your help I like kraftwerk omd etc not into rock music thank you for your help


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Sep 25, 2013
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I have the same speakers as you, cracking aren't they?

Personally I'd say with that kit you couldn't go wrong with a Marantz CD63 of some sort (or a CD53 if you are modding it) - great players as standard and they sparkle with a few mods. I may be biased as I have one myself and love it. Others may disagree with me there.

Should be able to pick up an improved KI version within your budget - mine cost me £60 not that long ago if I remember rightly.


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Remember, all CD players will eventually end up with a failed laser or transport, no matter how well built in the first place. For build quality 2nd hand within your budget then the Rotel RCD965BX would hit very close to the top. If you can stretch to a new machine you could get a Denon DCD520AE for around £140 or a DCD720AE for around £170. The 520 may well be sufficient and will likely outlast any 20+ year old machine you could buy on eBay.

One thing is for sure - avoid old NAD CD players. They've never been the most reliable machines, and flakier than most as they get old. Their amps can go on for ever, but their CD players aren't worth the risk. Arcam players like the Alpha 7 etc. might seem attractive but they are also prone to earlier transport failure than many.


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Nadfan said:
I'm looking for a budget CD player which is the best built to look for on eBay ? My speakers are mordaunt short pageant 2 ( 40 years old but sound very nice ) and my amp is a nad 3020 ( 30 years old ) will go up to £100 on eBay thank you for your help I like kraftwerk omd etc not into rock music thank you for your help

It's either the transport or optics that fail. Take your pick and choose one for which replacement parts are still available.

Alternatively get a Panasonic or Sony BR player. They are pretty decent with CD these days plus you get a warranty


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Sep 25, 2013
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I should add the transport and laser is still available for the Marantz (mine was last done in 1997 according to the sticker and has been perfect since)


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Dec 29, 2012
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My 63SE is still working. Plenty of parts still available for Marantz although maybe not so good quality as the original parts. You should be able to get a 63 KI for about £100, I missed an upgraded one for just over £100 about 1 year ago. Old players seem to be much more reliable than new cdps, mind you most products seem to be like that now.


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Sep 25, 2013
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Saw that earlier on. It did look the part, went for just over the £100 mark. There's another one on in black now which looks pretty too.

Aside from the laser issues I think you'd be hard pushed to find anything better for the money than the CD63.

There is the Rotel RCD 965BX which is another good bet but I've never heard one, and can't vouch for one with your kit. One up on eBay now for cheap with some cosmetic issues (not sure if I'd trust it)


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Sep 25, 2013
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I think they should have one for completeness ( I think I have mine stashed away somewhere now you mention it) but it's by no means necessary if buying from eBay as all the 'improvements' are visible either inside or outside the case. If any of them are missing and the seller hasn't pointed it out then you should be able to get your money back.


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Apr 21, 2015
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How have you modded the Mordaunt pageant 2 speakers ? I've had them 2 months in mint condition got them from guy just 4 miles away who had bought them in 1976 !


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Sep 25, 2013
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Well you can't buy history - that's not bad going. I bought mine from an elderly gentleman who drove them and my A400 a not insignificant distance to drop them off at my house. I think he'd had it all from new and from the condition I find it hard to believe he'd ever taken any of it out of the box.

Anyway, I've bypassed the level switches, replaced the crossover caps for JB JFX types (excellent sounding inexpensive caps), rewired internally with soldered Van Damme cabling and fitted gold plated binding posts and for now that is all. I haven't given them a proper workout yet as we're moving, I've been keeping them in the loft and using some Wharfedale Diamonds but from what I've heard of them and the mods they sound stunning.


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Nov 24, 2013
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I can vouch for the cd63 (i have the ki sig) and also the basic cd67 - both are very very good and cheap especially the 67 which doesnt have the 'legendary' status attached but is nearly as good if not equal. Another one to look at is the cd5001 which can be had very cheaply indeed (i got one last yr for £50)

I can also vouch for the the unreliability of NAD cdp's as mentioned earlier by Matthewpiano - my last one died after a month, it sounded great aswell..

The 3 Marantz players i've had have all been bullet proof (so far)


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Dec 26, 2012
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The Sony CD players from the 90's are among the very best. Sony did invent the CD player after all, models like the CDP-XB930 & 930E are built like tanks, have very good facilities and sound excellent.

Replacement lasers are only about a tenner if it worries you. My heavily used CDP-XB930 from 1999 is fully functioning and has never needed anything since I bought it new.


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Apr 21, 2015
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Does your Sony cd have a filter system to change the sound ? I've just read reviews very good indeed many thanks for the information


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Dec 26, 2012
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Nadfan said:
Does your Sony cd have a filter system to change the sound ? I've just read reviews very good indeed many thanks for the information

Yes it has switchable filters, standard as well as 1, 2 & 3. To be honest the effects of switching are subtle at best. Very nice machine overall though, easily the best built CD player I've ever known.


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