Best bookshelves to partner with Rega Brio-R?


New member
Apr 24, 2012
Reaching out for help from Asia

After one of my KRK powered monitors broke (unfixable), I have decided to take the plunge and build a new system from scratch. All my music is on my PC, which has an Asus Xonar Essence ST soundcard. Budget is US$2,000. The Rega appears well-liked and eats up half the budget, so now I have to narrow down the speakers. I am thinking Sonus Faber Toy - which cost around US$900 where I live. Listening distance is short - about 6 ft! - and room is 250 sq ft. Listening taste is largely acoustic music - jazz, bluegrass, and while I always enjoy cranking Zeppelin or Smashing Pumpkins, their main duty will be mid-tempo stuff, and decent movie playback. So, friends, any personal experience? Advice? Thanks in advance
No idea really but perhaps something cute, cheap and cheerful from Dali?

They would look nice together ...

The RS1's are fantastically clear and detailed speakers which never miss a line or a beat, although they do have a rather restrained (flat) bass. Great for a small room or low volume listening, but personally I find them far too bright with my Apollo (non-R) and Brio-R amp.The Apollo shoulders some of the blame, excellent though it is otherwise. It really can accentuate the highs to the point of shrillness in this set-up to my ears. No idea how your source might compare but I would definitiely go for a listen beforehand.

The RS1's are fantastically clear and detailed speakers which never miss a line or a beat, although they do have a rather restrained (flat) bass. Great for a small room or low volume listening, but personally I find them far too bright with my Apollo (non-R) and Brio-R amp.

The Apollo shoulders some of the blame, excellent though it is otherwise. It really can accentuate the highs to the point of shrillness in this set-up to my ears. No idea how your source might compare but I would definitiely go for a listen beforehand.
I know a guy just 50 miles from me whos using the Brio with a pair of Harbeth P3ESR's, he's a Jazz fan and swears by this combo. I'm about to find out what they can do myself as I'm about to receive a pair, then I'll be able to compair them with the Proac Tablettes, Spendor SA 1's and Usher S520 I also own. I have a feeling that of all the monitors I own this could be the one that gets nealy everything right.
Never heard of Harbeth but reviews seem positive. Alas, they are US$2000, out of my budget. Thanks for the help though.
Spectre said:
I know a guy just 50 miles from me whos using the Brio with a pair of Harbeth P3ESR's, he's a Jazz fan and swears by this combo. I'm about to find out what they can do myself as I'm about to receive a pair, then I'll be able to compair them with the Proac Tablettes, Spendor SA 1's and Usher S520 I also own. I have a feeling that of all the monitors I own this could be the one that gets nealy everything right.

I really want to hear about this once you have tried them. Don't forget.

EDIT I mean I really want to hear about them on the end of the Brio-R (or any other 'real world' amp).
KEF R Series are the best speakers i have heard with the brio-r without a doubt.
chebby said:
Spectre said:
I know a guy just 50 miles from me whos using the Brio with a pair of Harbeth P3ESR's, he's a Jazz fan and swears by this combo. I'm about to find out what they can do myself as I'm about to receive a pair, then I'll be able to compair them with the Proac Tablettes, Spendor SA 1's and Usher S520 I also own. I have a feeling that of all the monitors I own this could be the one that gets nealy everything right.

I really want to hear about this once you have tried them. Don't forget.

EDIT I mean I really want to hear about them on the end of the Brio-R (or any other 'real world' amp).

I would love to hear about this as well, especially in comparison to the Proac Tablette's.
chebby said:
Spectre said:
I know a guy just 50 miles from me whos using the Brio with a pair of Harbeth P3ESR's, he's a Jazz fan and swears by this combo. I'm about to find out what they can do myself as I'm about to receive a pair, then I'll be able to compair them with the Proac Tablettes, Spendor SA 1's and Usher S520 I also own. I have a feeling that of all the monitors I own this could be the one that gets nealy everything right.

I really want to hear about this once you have tried them. Don't forget.

EDIT I mean I really want to hear about them on the end of the Brio-R (or any other 'real world' amp).

The amp I'm using is the Creek Audio Destiny 2, I know its strengths and weaknesses and I dont' tend to get sentimantal about my own gear. If you are still interested in me making a comparison I'd be happy to post my findings here.
Thanks for all the feedback, friends. I have read some Rega Brio owners describe the sound as bright, but not harsh. But that complaint is somewhat rare, and may be due to the pairing of speakers. I will demo the Toys, KEF R Series, and perhaps the Paradigm Reference Studio 20 and PSB Synchrony Two B - though those last two would have to be something epic as they are above the budget I set.

Thanks again
The minimalist design of the Rega RP6 and the use of extremely high quality components ensure ... It packs enough power to drive most floor-standers and bookshelf ... When subwoofers sound and look this good, there's no alternative. ... and digital outputs making the Apollo-R a perfect partner for the Rega Brio-R amplifier Click Here for more info!


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