DBTs I get them. Take away one sense to optimise the hearing. Of course some people will listen to music with their eyes closed to get the purest experience possible but without smell our perseption of taste is dulled considerably, the same the other way around just not so much.
Take away sight you might hear a lion roar. Open your eyes and it will be a tiger. Ok if you are around these animals all the time you will get to know the differences. Theres the scenario again, being there.
I was in Isotek for a demo at this years Bristol show. I heard the demo, heard the differences then asked them to put a CD on I bought. It sounded aweful. So though I heard the improvements on the piece of music they used my CD sounded worse than when I have it at home. Of course their system wasn't meant to sound perfect it was just there to play out the differences the Isotek products make. I've been in to PMC one year, put on a CD I had and it sounded awefull.
That's all with my eyes and ears abd OK I wasn't doing side by side comparisson. My point is I hate it when people try to ram home DBT is the only way.
If you listen to one item of Hi-Fi then change it for another leaving everything else the same. It will either sound worse, better or no different to our senses. I mean would you block your ears to see if a painting looked better......Now I'm just being silly ;-)