For a budget of upto 3000 pounds what would people rate as the very best integrated amp with a built in DAC and HT mode. pre/power is not an option nor is an external DAC. speakers are B&W 805s. music is apple lossless from apple TV via optical out. i do have a cyrus cd8x but that is not used today and sits in its box in a cupboard.
The amp would have to drive the front speakers in a home theatre setup using an onkyo 905
Some possibilities are Moon i3.3, Stello ai500, cyrus 8xpd , supernait? any others or can anyone give any advice?
The amp would have to drive the front speakers in a home theatre setup using an onkyo 905
Some possibilities are Moon i3.3, Stello ai500, cyrus 8xpd , supernait? any others or can anyone give any advice?