Best amp with a built in DAC and HT mode


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007
For a budget of upto 3000 pounds what would people rate as the very best integrated amp with a built in DAC and HT mode. pre/power is not an option nor is an external DAC. speakers are B&W 805s. music is apple lossless from apple TV via optical out. i do have a cyrus cd8x but that is not used today and sits in its box in a cupboard.

The amp would have to drive the front speakers in a home theatre setup using an onkyo 905

Some possibilities are Moon i3.3, Stello ai500, cyrus 8xpd , supernait? any others or can anyone give any advice?
Some possibilities are Moon i3.3, Stello ai500, cyrus 8xpd , supernait? any others or can anyone give any advice?

Stello is great. MF A1008 and Bryston B100ST also should be on the list.
Maybe this new model from Musical Fidelity M6i.That's the manual so you can check whether it has all the bells al wistles you want

But the digital input is a USB and I don't know if it would work with an appleTV.


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