Beresford TC-7520 as headphone amp?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Looking for a good headphone amp, if possible with a good integrated DAC. Setup is the following: den office with iMac (iTunes), Sonos Z90 zone player, AVI ADM 9.1 active speakers (with DAC on board). I therefore do not need an external DAC to feed the speakers.

I currently have an iBasso D2 connected to the imac's USB, which is nicely built and works OK but does not let me switch to the Sonos stream (only one digital input socket, and that is USB). Also, the D2 is very small, and therefore somewhat fiddly (moves around on the desk anytime you go for the mini volume knob), with small headphone socket, and barely powerful enough for my HD650 Senn (more than enough power for the ATH-ESW9). Finally the D2 takes files at maximum 16 bit /1411 kbps.

The TC-7520 has the DAC elements I'd need for headphone usage (inputs, supported formats, etc).

It also has a headphone amp and socket and a volume knob, and weighs over 1 kg, which should prevent it from sliding all over the desk.

So my question is: how good is that device from a strict headphone amplifier point of view? Are there amp/DAC alternatives out there that perform better from a headphone amplifier angle?

Thanks beforehand,



For desktop audio I use a TC-7520 (fitted LM4562Na OpAmps) with a pair of hd595s. It drives my headphones with ease, and sounds far superior to connecting directly to my old soundcard, or my rorel ra-01 headphone jack.

Looking around the web I've seen someone sell their Meier Audio corda arietta after getting this DAC. Others have compared if favourably to Graham Slee products, and it's being used by owners of k701 and hd650 headphones.

I don't know of a UK made alternative, so it would have be an import, something like the Zero Dac. Another popular combination was the earlier TC-7150 plus a Little Dot 3.


You have to be careful when reading some of the reviews of the Beresford on line as the manufacturer has been accused of posting positive reviews using different user IDs on at least one forum that I am aware of (head-fi) and has been banned as a result.

I chose to ignore this and bought the 7520 anyway.

The DAC performance is really good. I also had a chance to compare the performance of the headphone amp part against my MF X-can v3.

Basically the amp produces lots of bass and is pleasant enough to listen to. It drives my Grados with ease (as it should given how easy they are to drive). However I don't think its as good as the MF. It simply isn't as clear as the MF. When listening on the MF I get a real feeling of space that just isn't there with the Beresford. That said its still superior imo to a headphone socket on an integrated amp, etc.


Thanks Grimaldi. Ordered one before you posted. Will see. I use a MF Xcan v3 in my living room as well, and love it. Can always decide to add that later should I be disappointed....


Haha, I do the same. MF X-can v3 in the living room and the Beresford in the bedroom or wherever I choose to locate the Apple Airport Express.

I will be interested to find out how you think they compare ... it could all be in my head :p

I still think its a great piece of kit and am not at all disappointed tbh.