Beresford 7520 versus X as headphone amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all. My first question on this forum.... I use a 7520 DAC (mod with LM4562NA opamps) in my "home office" setup, connected to an imac and a Sonos ZonePlayer. I now am the proud owner of Sennheiser HD800 headphones, and use them in that home office, connected to the 7520.

First of all, I am delighted by what I hear, and cannot identify any weakness in what I have.

But I am very curious to know if that setup could be substantially improved by using a dedicated headphone amp (let's put a ceiling at around 1,000£). In other words, as a headphone amp (let's leave the DAC debate to the side), is the 7520 as good as it gets, excluding unaffordable exotica? Or would my grin unavoidably grow wider if I used stuff such as a Lehmann Black Cube or a MF x-can v8p or a Graham Slee or whatever? Or would any improvement be too marginal to justify the spend?

Would very much appreciate feedback from people who have used both the 7520 and other amps for long headphone sessions....

Thanks beforehand!
I have the 7520 with the same upgrade and I also have the Rega Ear dedictaed Headphone amp . Use them with the Grado s60 i

All I can say the difference is marginal , the Rega is not 145 quid better and I would have saved myself some money if I had started with the Beresford.
Thanks for the feedback, peebs. That is exactly what I want to find out. Anyone else out there with both the 7520 and a reputable headphone amp? I have been looking at Lehmann Black Cube and MF x-can v8 but really do not want to throw money at this if I am not going to hear a difference compared to the 7520's amp. Where I live, no way of ordering that kind of stuff then send it back if not extatic. Again, I am happy with what I have, but very curious to know if I can really still push further for audibly better sound quality....


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