Benz Micro ACE SH Moving Coil


New member
Jul 20, 2007

This is tempting me.

Does anyone know anything about this brand, and this cartridge in particular?
Brettys been on thief bay, Brettys been on thief bay,la la lala la.*

Benz are flippin good carts mate. I used an Ace SL for a while, nowt wrong with it at all. I use a Benz Wood jobbie amongst others these days, so no i didnt go off em. Only caveat i will add is keep yer hands still cos you dont get a stylus guard with it.

Anyways. Nice even sounding carts that track well too.

* well i saw a low hrs job on there tother day.
That's the high output version, there's also a low output version, the SL.

That particular model is handmade by Benz in Switzerland. Terrific cartridges - only heard one once, a long time ago, but always aspired to own one.

You'll see plenty of reviews from stereophile etc on the net.