...but there are too many dis-advantages.
Your Dog chases a toy on the floor whilst a record is playing and the needle flies over the record. Pain in the ass skipping a track and turning record over. Adjusting and replacing the needle, cleaning records and setting the disk size 33.3, 45 and 78.
The space records take up. Blowing the dust off before playing and using cleaners.
Remote control --- 21st century device.
Did I mention clicking and popping?
i) Either the playing arm tracking weight or anti-skate is incorrectly set-up, or you've got your deck badly isolated from external vibration.
ii) Can't comment about the PITA element of turning a record over, but track skipping is a rarity on my 500-plus LPs on the basis that I take care of them. That doesn't mean a religious cleaning programme either, just that they're well looked after (and selected) records. It's not exactly a lifetime's work or chore either.
iii) Adjusting and replacing the needle? What is this, the Dansette Society's annual gripe-fest? You put the cartridge on, or refit the stylus to the cartridge body if the design permits, you set the relevant tolerances on the arm and that's it. Job done. Once!
iv) Yes, records take up space. Can't deny that, but that's a side effect of having them, obviously, not something that appeals to everyone, but seeing a huge record collection in front of me in a shop or library or wherever is as good as browsing a shelf-full of books IMO.
v) Maybe if you'd spent a bit more time blowing dust off and cleaning an LP, you wouldn't have them skipping so much - cause and effect! See ii above...
vi) Remote control? Buy a fully automatic deck then...!