Benchmark DAC

I haven't any personal experience but a friend of mine uses a Benchmark DAC/Pre in a relatively high end system (to the price of the Benchmark) and doesn't stop talking about it! I've only ever seen glowing reviews in the audio press too.
I'm thinking about giving it a try. It appears to be a way to get a taste of a very high end CDP on the cheap. Definately not a rip-off...
and one of those products you can take a punt on as you'll be able to sell it on for similar £££ if you don't get on with it.
lordmortlock:and one of those products you can take a punt on as you'll be able to sell it on for similar £££ if you don't get on with it.

My thinking exactly. In fact, I was thinking about buying one used so somebody else already took care of any depreciation...

BTW, I'm assuming since I haven't seen you post about your new ATCs, you must not have them yet.
Nah not yet - I made a gentle enquiry earlier actually as to their whereabouts. Shouldn't be long apparently... review/pix as soon as I've got them.

Re the dac... I'd love to know what you think if you get one. I'm using the optical inputs on my CDP2 and although the sound is comparable to beresford/dacmagic I've never heard an upmarket product. I'm curious to how much better it will sound.
Good move.

Never read a bad thing about them.

Some of the more extreme elements of the Beresford/DacMagic supporters clubs would have us believe the Caiman (or various 'hot-rodded' DacMagic kits/mods) are as good or better than a Benchmark, but I have some big hairy doubts about those claims even speaking as a happy Beresford user!

All things being equal - in terms of sound quality - I would still go for a Benchmark despite the huge price difference over more VFM options. Benchmark is built to a professional standard (like real professional as in studio professional) and just oozes class.

If I had committed to a hifi sans CD player then my CD5i would most likely have been a Benchmark.

Should be awesome with that Quad 909. (Does the 909 have a balanced XLR input option?)

Look forward to hearing about it vicariously Jaxwired. I don't think we have many Benchmark owners around here.
Ok, just placed my order. I purchased direct from benchmark. They have a 30 day money back trial. I hope it's amazing. I'll share my findings.

It took me awhile to decided which one to buy. They offer it in several flavors. You can get it with a USB input, or with a remote controlled pre-amp section also. I went for the basic one with no USB or pre-amp section. But, even the basic one can be used as a single source pre-amp since it has a variable output that is controlled by a dial on the front. Most of the reviews I read preferred it via an external pre-amp which is what I intend to do. I did consider the USB option for resale only, but it was quite a bit more and I won't need it. Plus, if I don't like the thing, I will send it back for a full refund...

To answer the earlier post, no the Quad 909 does not have balanced inputs, but maybe my next amp upgrade will.

I think it looks quite smart. I opted for silver. Now I'm ready for a Wadia iTransport should I decided to go that route....

I'm looking forward to your impressions, considering the Benchmark as the next upgrade too...
Blunny89:I'm looking forward to your impressions, considering the Benchmark as the next upgrade too...

I'll definately post my findings. You might also condider the Musical Fidelity V-DAC. Much cheaper and also very good. Although, quite utilitarian looking.

To be honest, I'm super happy with the C545 CDP, but this will be a test for me to see if there is value in the next step up. Benchmark claims that the transport is irrelevant with their DAC due to their anti-jitter technique. So my NAD should work fine to feed the DAC.
Cheers mate! I own the DACMagic at the moment and I absolutely love the sound of my hi-fi. As ever, I'm curious to find out just how much better(?) my system could sound with something a lot higher up in the market, this is where the Benchmark could come in.
Ok, just placed my order. I purchased direct from benchmark. They have a 30 day money back trial. I hope it's amazing. I'll share my findings.

It took me awhile to decided which one to buy. They offer it in several flavors. You can get it with a USB input, or with a remote controlled pre-amp section also. I went for the basic one with no USB or pre-amp section. But, even the basic one can be used as a single source pre-amp since it has a variable output that is controlled by a dial on the front. Most of the reviews I read preferred it via an external pre-amp which is what I intend to do. I did consider the USB option for resale only, but it was quite a bit more and I won't need it. Plus, if I don't like the thing, I will send it back for a full refund...

To answer the earlier post, no the Quad 909 does not have balanced inputs, but maybe my next amp upgrade will.

I think it looks quite smart. I opted for silver. Now I'm ready for a Wadia iTransport should I decided to go that route....


How much did you pay JW? I think they look great and I would love to hear it - supposed to be very good indeed.
Gerrardasnails:How much did you pay JW? I think they look great and I would love to hear it - supposed to be very good indeed.

It's a cheaper over here in the USA. No import cost. I paid $1050 (£650) which included shipping and a decent quality coax digital cable. I'll probably get a better cable later if I like it even though there's some debate about whether digital cables matter.

Hey Gerrard, off topic, are you tempted by the new MA RX6s? And have you ever heard the GS20s?
Just for fun...Click

The electronics are dirt cheap but the wood is mega expensive.......
Gerrardasnails:How much did you pay JW? I think they look great and I would love to hear it - supposed to be very good indeed.

It's a cheaper over here in the USA. No import cost. I paid $1050 (£650) which included shipping and a decent quality coax digital cable. I'll probably get a better cable later if I like it even though there's some debate about whether digital cables matter.

Hey Gerrard, off topic, are you tempted by the new MA RX6s? And have you ever heard the GS20s?

I could get the DAC from the States (I work for a US firm in London) but would not be sure about the compatibility with our plugs and all.

I'm not that tempted by the RX6s. They would be nice to have but I love my RS6s and would have to go further up the food chain when I upgrade I reckon for it to be worthwhile. I've not heard the GS20s. I've been trying to get some me time to go and get a listen of that speaker and the Platinums - just to see how much better they are. With 2 kids and a full time job, getting some me time is not easy!
Gerrardasnails:I could get the DAC from the States (I work for a US firm in London) but would not be sure about the compatibility with our plugs and all. I'm not that tempted by the RX6s. They would be nice to have but I love my RS6s and would have to go further up the food chain when I upgrade I reckon for it to be worthwhile. I've not heard the GS20s. I've been trying to get some me time to go and get a listen of that speaker and the Platinums - just to see how much better they are. With 2 kids and a full time job, getting some me time is not easy!

I hear ya, I've got a 3 year old and a 2 year old, they're slowly killing me

Regarding buying the benchmark in the states, I did notice this blurb on their website: "Benchmark products have international power supplies that can easily be configured by rotating a fuse drawer located in the power entry module on the rear panel. This procedure is outlined in-detail in each product's manual." Still a little risky though...

I've been reading up on the GS series. Mostly very positive reviews, but very mixed opinion on the sound. WHF says too polite, then I seen others saying too forward. They did win one mags group test (not WHF) over PMC, Dali, Totem, Dyn, and KEF. My concerns with the GS20 is, are they better than the new RX6 at 2.5 times the price? The new RX6 has much the same technology. Also, the GX20 is probably not more than 12 months away which should prove very interesting.
I've been enjoying my Bencmark DAC1 (basic version in Black - looks a lot nicer than in the pics on their website) for almost a year now. It's one of the few products I've owned where I actually agree with all the hype in the reviews. Excellent value for money (especially if you get it at a US price)...

Right now my DAC1 is the centre of my headphone setup, but I do plan to add either powered speakers (maybe some Quad 12L Actives) or an amp and speakers (the new Rotel RA-1520 and Monitor Audio RX6 sound mighty tempting)...

Also since someone mentioned this earlier. You just flip a switch on the back to change from US 110 voltage to UK 220 (and buy a UK power plug).
Ajani and Jaxwired - can you use these Benchmarks as straightforward headphone amps in addition to the DAC functions? In other words, can you plug in an analogue source (say a tuner, phono amp, or conventional CD player) and listen through phones? If so it would kill two birds with one stone, especially as I believe it has remote control functionality too.
ChrisMM:Ajani and Jaxwired - can you use these Benchmarks as straightforward headphone amps in addition to the DAC functions? In other words, can you plug in an analogue source (say a tuner, phono amp, or conventional CD player) and listen through phones? If so it would kill two birds with one stone, especially as I believe it has remote control functionality too.

The only models with an analogue RCA input are the DAC1 Pre and the new DAC1 HDR (the latter also has remote control) but each model only has the one analogue input.