Beginner - wants some advice re TVHome Cinema Kit please


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello, totally new to this and very impressed by everyone's advice to others so thought i'd give it a try. Basically I have had an old Goodmans 20inchTV which cost me £60 for about 7 years and it's time to change. I watch lots of sport on TV esp Football, Cricket, Rugby, Golf mainly on Sky channels, and normal TV through Virgin Media. I don't watch huge amounts of movies on TV or DVD but if I had a decent TV set up etc would likely watch a few more. I don't play games and probably aren't likely too. I was originally planning to spend up to £1000. However from looking in a couple of magazines, talking to a couple of people in shops and reading around this site I am tempted spend a bit extra and to buy the following. Panasonic TH42PZ85B with either LG HT902TB or Sony DAV-IS10 home cinema boxed kit. My main questions are; Is the TV I am looking at a good choice given my requirements? will either of the home cinema kits work well with this TV?, Is there likely going to be a material difference in buying this now vrs in a few months time? should I be considering any other similar setups? or should I just stick to under £1k and send it on a bundled deal at a retail park ! Any advice gratefully received - thanks
WHSAV will be giving the 42PZ85 a first test next week and will be putting the review on-line. It will probably be a five star review, but you might decide to hold on to see how it performs. I decided to go for the 42PX80 because I couldn't justify spending the extra £400 for the 85, so instead I will be using the money to put towards a decent HD source. I am not sure if I will notice the difference between HD ready and Full HD on a 42in set, so the PX80 it is. The DAV-IS10 is a good system for an all in one package and gives "room filling sound" despite the microscopic tweeters, difficult to audition on the shop floor. I have a separate amp and speakers (onkyo 605 and MA BR2/AV) but that requires a bit more of a budget when compared to the all in ones. I would advise against seeking any advice from retail parks, and there are better bargains to be had than the so called "deals" at places like Currys and Comet.
Thanks Tom

Looks like 42PZ85's are getting good press...I thinking I might go for one of those and see if i need the sound system maybe at a later date. John Lewis price matching seems a good idea on this also..


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