Be rude not to...wouldn`t it ?


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2007
Just been offered a pair of ex-demo Pro Ac Response D18 floorstanders in cherry for £1400 and am sorely tempted,can anyone give me a good reason not to punish the plastic?
Sounds to good to miss! These are top of my demo list soon to replace my ageing Keilidhs, along with the Spendor A6. Are these two fairly similar in general tonality, can anyone say?

Good luck with the purchase!
I would put some Canadian money that you'll be bringing out the wallet. I have had the A5 A6 (demo only for a short time) and tho I havent heard the 18's there just a smaller brother to my 28's and its a much fuller hearter sound. There the speaker you'll marry after your done dating.
Tarquinh:Your mortgage?

Lol,Mortgage is not too bad,it`s more the wife,pretty hard to hide 2 b****y great boxes turning up especially as they`re being delivered to her work premises! As you will gather from that I went ahead and bought them and should be with me next week.Must admit I "downsized" the price a bit to make them seem even more of a bargain but she is pretty tolerant of my hifi obsession so I don`t feel too guilty.
I`ve bought these blind (should that be deaf?) as thought they wouldn`t hang around long at the price,I know that goes against all advice on this forum but I`m thinking if I really dislike them would prob get most of my money back by re-selling them,hopefully won`t come to that.
Go for it, they were equal top of my audition list until I got the opportunity to buy the other equal top pair for £1200 on a 30 day money-back satisfaction period. Very happy with my Neats, but do wonder what the ProAcs would have been like sometimes!
The Proacs have arrived and after a quick listen (about 20 mins) I`m impressed. The most obvious thing and I mean within seconds, is that they have far more bass than the Dali`s or maybe it`s just better quality They also seem a smoother listen,the Dali`s could be a bit bright at times for my taste

A bonus is my wife likes the cherry finish and cabinet much more than the Dali`s,she said " they`re quite nice actually" a first for any sort of AV equipment.Might not be so keen if she found out how much they cost though! Only fly in the ointment is that because the Proacs connecters are towards the top of the speakers as opposed to the Dali`s being at the bottom my existing cable is not quite long enough for ideal placement so another set has been ordered,other than that really pleased so far.
basshound:The Proacs have arrived and after a quick listen (about 20 mins) I`m impressed. The most obvious thing and I mean within seconds, is that they have far more bass than the Dali`s or maybe it`s just better quality They also seem a smoother listen,the Dali`s could be a bit bright at times for my taste A bonus is my wife likes the cherry finish and cabinet much more than the Dali`s,she said " they`re quite nice actually" a first for any sort of AV equipment.Might not be so keen if she found out how much they cost though! Only fly in the ointment is that because the Proacs connecters are towards the top of the speakers as opposed to the Dali`s being at the bottom my existing cable is not quite long enough for ideal placement so another set has been ordered,other than that really pleased so far.

Fro your sig, I se you have the K2 / K2 power amp in bi-amp mode. How great and what were the major improvements going from the K2 to your current set up? I'm interested as I am considering adding a K2 power amp, but am really not yet that convinced by bi-amping. (if Roksan had engineered them to be set up as mono-blocs then now that would be something).
I`m not very good at describing sounds etc. but here goes,there was a definate improvement after adding the power amp the sound seemed to open up more with better placement of instruments and a fuller sound.There was more improvement when using the Beresford as a pre and bypassing the K2 integrateds pre section but as discussed on another thread I have a problem with noise/interference when using this configuration.

The percieved wisdom seems to be that more gains are to be had with a pre/power bi-amp set up than an integrated of similar value but I`ve not been in position to compare my set up against an integrated costing around £1500 or so.Suppose the ideal situation would be for you to have a loan unit at home and try it in your set up to see what you think but easier said than done methinks.


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