
New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi just got a new pioneer blu ray player bdp320 which has bd live has anyone ever downloaded anything as i have 1gb memory which is fitted internally in the player what do you download using bd live??? i heard bd live is not all that or im i missing something. thanks
no you heard right
The idea is that you can download additional trailers, special features and so on. But of course that depends on the disc supporting them and the content provider making them available online.

Saw a demonstration in Japan some years back suggesting BD Live could be used to provide online shopping, concert and theatre bookings and the like associated with the movie you're watching, but so far not much has materialised beyond the fact that you get up to date trailers should you want to watch them, rather than the ones permanently on the disc.

Oh, and sat through a Disney Japan presentation a year or so back where they were talking about social networking, so you could, for example, chat in real time with other people who happened to be watching the same movie. So far, thankfully I think, AFAIK that hasn't come to pass either...
In other words, it's a load of tosh that no-one wants. The studios etc. think you want it/need it when in fact most of us just bung the disc in, FFWD through the trailers and chill out and watch the film. Once I've watched it, eject, back in the box, thank you and goodnight. No need to plough through endless extras and drivel. Some extras are interesting enough, for example, if it was based on a true story but most of the time, they're a waste of disc space. I would rather have better quality audio and video. Anyone listening SONY!?


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