B&W MT25 - can I use this as a 2.1 (or 3.1) system until I move and have space for the rear speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Would be using it with a Pioneer BDP320 Blu Ray player and Pioneer VSX919 Amplifier.

Haven't got the space for rear speakers but will do in my next house (or I won't buy the place!!). Want to get the system now if I can so I don't spend the money on something else (like a new roof...).

Will it work as a 2.1 system with the baove Blu ray/ amp etc?


I.m not familiar with your receiver, but the answer should be yes. I had the same dilema last year, and had my Kef3005se set up as a 3.1 system. It was still a vast improvement on TV, and also allowed me to use the system for music.

Just connect the speaker you can fit in; run auto set up and the receiver should do the rest.

good luck


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