B&W M1 speaklers


New member
Jul 22, 2009
We are just putting a new kitchen in at the moment with a small dinning room at the end and im looking to put to small speakers on the wall out the way. They would be run off an Onkyo micro system. I would like to put a pair of B&W M1's up and use an old yamaha sub ive got tucked away somewhere on the sub pre out but im wondering what that would actually sound like in practice.

I would be gratefull if anyone had any opinons or could suggest any other small speakers that would be suitable? (They would have to be small to keep the wife happy)
when i got my hifi. i have a denon m37. if i where u i would pay a little more and get the 686's. they are far nicer looking and sound alot better. in the end i went for the 685's with plans to upgrade the amp


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