B&W CDM 1NT Vs. Kef Ls50 Meta


Aug 1, 2024
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Hello All.
Wondering if anyone has any direct experience, or thoughts on the audible difference between my B&W CDM 1NT’s and my desired Kef Ls50 and/or Metas? Currently paired with a McIntosh 4100 receiver. Of course much is subjective, can anyone suggest me saving my money, or think there would be an audible improvement by switching to Kefs?
As much as I’m attracted to the Kefs, I live in a small space (NYC 🥺), can’t blast my tunes, and don’t want to go down the rabbit hole for no reason!


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Hello Nito

Although I haven't heard the LS50,
I did own the CDM-1NT for a time and remember them being good.

It's possible that you might prefer the sound of the Kefs, but I will say this:
Unless you can actually hear them first for yourself, then save your money.

The best thing you could possibly do would be to compare the two, from your receiver, in your room and, crucially in your case, at your 'non-blast' levels.

I don't think there's a speaker that doesn't sound better when given adequate volume.
But, not just in NYC, plenty of us in England have to consider neighbours, which means we never (or hardly ever) really get to hear our speakers at their best.
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I agree with Gray.
He is a very knowledgeable person and is extremely well liked here, but I am going to play the devils advocate and say get the KEF's as your are attracted to them.
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Jan 18, 2022
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Have previously run the Kefs in a small 4x3m room with a 22w valve amp to neighbour complaining levels without difficulty so if it is a small room I’m sure they would be fine! 😀


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