AVR-1707 shutting down


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have had my Denon AVR 1707 for about two years and today when I started using my Xbox 360 (which Ihave just got back after being repaired for the second time) the amp just shut off after a couple of minutes of play, then I tried my DVD player and it did the same and I had the same thing with my Sky Box. I looked in the troubleshooting of the manual and it said it might be overheating or the speaker wires are touching of course at the back of my Amp is a mess of wires so I tried moving them about but it still seems to be shutting down, is there anything else I can try?
Thanks, So if I take out all the speaker wire and reinstall it should solve my problem?
it should solve it, in that it's the most likely cause of the problem - you probably accidentially loosened a single strand of speaker cable wire when you re-attached your console. If you re-wire and there's still a problem, then there's something more sinister at play (but can't think what that could be, if every bit of kit triggers it).
Thanks again Big Aura I shall give that a go and then see what happens.
I tried taking all the connections out the back of my Denon 1707 and after switching it on it still only stays on for about 10 minutes and then switches off and the standby button keeps flashing. I get the feeling my Amp has a more serious problem than I thought.


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