AVI neutron 5s - which amp?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

Having read extensively over the past few days, I think the AVI neutron 5s maybe a very good match for my needs based on SQ, size, and looks (the missus is demanding black gloss). I will try to demo a pair (along with Rega RS1s) over the next week. My understanding is that the general consensus is that the AVIs and Regas will generally outperform the MA-RX1s.

My question is what amps would make a good match? I have a relatively medium sized room (4mx5m), but only require moderate volumes. I’m looking for an all rounder, but good with classical music. I will use a PC source – probably via DACMagic or similar. Amp budget is 500 quid and I'm looking for a very clear sound.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks

For the AVIs I'd go for the matching sub with built in amplication for the speakers and digital inputs. Job done.
Though it's £900, not gloss black and not the most attractive sub around (IMO)...

I had my N5s on the end of a Primare A20 mkII and it sounded very good indeed. £300 second hand, loads of current...
JohnDuncan:I had my N5s on the end of a Primare A20 mkII and it sounded very good indeed. £300 second hand, loads of current...

Fleabay? That sounds a very good deal on the A20...
I paid £315 for it when I bought it, and sold it for a bit less. Patience required for one to come up though
JohnDuncan:Though it's £900, not gloss black and not the most attractive sub around (IMO)...

Sorry I missed the budget requirement
A little bit 'out there' maybe, but when auditioning the Rega RS1s get them to hook up a Rega Brio 3 amplifier (£250) and the new Rega DAC (£500).

I am not suggesting anything over your budget. (Just reversing your amp and DAC budget).

This way you benefit from the (very real) Rega same brand 'synergy' throughout.

(Rega DAC and Brio can both be ordered in black - to match the speakers - or silver.)

Just a thought.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I look forward to listening to both the Rega and AVIs.


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