Avatar - Blu-ray at its best


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Pre-ordered Avatar on blu-ray (from play) which arrived yesterday; hadn't seen this movie so was fairly excited following all the hype; anyway, just finished watching it and I must say that this is quite simply the best blu-ray I have ever seen in terms of picture performance and sound quality ... I was blown away! I must add however, although I think the movie is a decent watch, it wasnt the best I've seen but is definately worth the £15, as you won't find a better disc to show off your system! So for that alone its worth adding to the collection. In my opinion, blu-ray may have peaked with this movie?
... I'd like to add also that when you buy the blu-ray version you also get a dvd copy of the movie, which to some might seem pointless but to me only makes it even more value for money.
the dvd is a bonus as i can use it in my car dvd player so happy days lets hope all new releases come with a dvd version too.
its defo the best ive seen for pic quality , and sounds fantastic too , id say it will be a long time before gel spots this one for a fiver
I agree. I saw it at the cinema in 3D and enjoyed it immensely, but I am finding that I am seeing extra detail in the 2D Blu-ray that I didn't notice before.
It's a tremendous achievement. Having seen it in 3D at the cinema, I was nervous as to what effect there may be on image composition etc in the transition to 2D, but in fact there's no detriment whatsoever. I understand that every bit (byte?) of the disc has been utilised in its' rendering, and it shows in the finished article. A great movie, beautifully presented, regardless of what sneerers say.
This confirms what I've thought for a long time, people like super sharp images on Hi Def of the type you always get from computer graphics.

I've had lond discussions about the attributes of HD with people with some inisting it doesn't have to be razor sharp to be at its best, but it would seem that films such as Avatar and Kung Fu Panda indicate otherwise for the vast majority of people.
...although some reports from the States suggest a number of players are having problems handling the disc, refusing to play it, popping up menus here and there, having inconsistent subtitling and sound drop-outs...
maxflinn:its defo the best ive seen for pic quality , and sounds fantastic too , id say it will be a long time before gel spots this one for a fiver

I did get a glimpse of this on Saturday, I saw it on the philips 56 inch flagship model very nice both the tv and picture for avatar that tv would be the one of the best if it was full size, i also saw it also on the philips Aurua (think i am spelling that right) amazing insight into the picture who needs 3D talking of which i saw that 40 inch samsung 3D tv as well, I did not see the 3d aspect but the blu ray one but did not look anything special but that was properly down to the feed.

Just got to wait for the full length one now I don't trust film studio's they may even make the picture even better for that one, who know's and a bargain at the same time would be very nice,
Well just received an email saying both Avatar, Saving Private Ryan have been dispatched from Tesco Entertainment and if anyone can have problems with a disc, it will sure be me.

Serious though, I am looking forward to getting the films and giving my system (and neighbours) a thorough testing this weekend.

Serious though, I am looking forward to getting the films and giving my system (and neighbours) a thorough testing this weekend.

Do you live in one of those "swinging" neighbourhoods?

I've just got my double copy so I will probably be forced to watch it tonight by the kids.I'll know when I go into the front room and find a PS3 has walked from the bedroom.
gel:Just got to wait for the full length one now

The movie runs 162 mins on Blu-ray as it is: what do you mean "the full length one"?
as good as it looked , if it went on for half an hour longer , i wouldlt have watched it all ...

it reminds me of "the return of the king" by the time frodo got up that mountain i was wore out
bigboss:Even I was waiting for the Special Edition one with extra footage coming in November. This is about 10-12 mins longer, but after reading this thread, I couldn't resist & ordered one from Tesco today

Bigboss i thought me and you were waiting for the special edition one
, this is the one Andrew it's coming out in November by which time the other one is bound to be a fiver and i can have my choice of which one to purchase, i figure it's a win win situation.
I got the blu-ray on Saturday, great picture but the DTS-HD sountrack was a bit disappointing. I would expected this type of movie to have a more spacious sound.
Being a big movie fan by name and by nature i have to confess that when i thought of sitting down to watch this film i was not expecting to be blown away. Well, Blown away i was in a big way. I have never seen anything like this visually and whatever people may say about the plot or characters in this film, you just cannot deny the sheer scale and delight of the visual feast that is on display in front of your eyes! the sound was very good but not spectacular as others have pointed out. Anyway, i think if this is boring 2D - as some have said, then bring much more of this my way please. Will be going to the cinema later in the year for the re-release to check this film out in 3D too. Wow.
I only got my BD player on Sunday, and this will definately be the first BD title in my collection. It's released here [NZ] tomorrow [Wednesday].

Oh, and regarding the "Return of the King" reference, I will definately upgrade my DVDs of the trilogy to blu-ray. The cinema versions were only released on BD here a couple of weeks ago, but does anyone have an idea when the "extended versions" are going to be available? I haven't heard anything official, but there was rumour it might not be be released until The Hobbit is due in cinemas, which could more than two years away.
I only got my BD player on Sunday, and this will definately be the first BD title in my collection. It's released here [NZ] tomorrow [Wednesday].

Oh, and regarding the "Return of the King" reference, I will definately upgrade my DVDs of the trilogy to blu-ray. The cinema versions were only released on BD here a couple of weeks ago, but does anyone have an idea when the "extended versions" are going to be available? I haven't heard anything official, but there was rumour it might not be be released until The Hobbit is due in cinemas, which could more than two years away.
well , if you started watching the extended versions on dvd , now , you should just about be finished in time for the release of the hobbit
I think its a shame that the best looking blu ray ever is such a poor film. Weak plot, rubbish characters and all too familiar Hollywood trash.

Proves that technology on its own cannot make a good film, just a bad one slightly bearable!

I will stick to my Dances with Wolves DVD, and dream of what could have been...
i have to agree , i enjoted watching the movie on bluray last night , because of the visuals , but when i put it on again today , i found myself thinking , why did i pay e30 for this

a poor film , dances with wolves is in a different league really...
Stunning pics, but it took an eternity to load! I thought it wasn't going to play, but after about 3 mins it started. One thing puzzles me though, there is no mention of BD-Live but whilst loading it connects to the internet. Anyone got any info on this?


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