
New member
Aug 10, 2019
It was inevitable. The 3D version of AVATAR is released in time for Christmas.

It was obvious, too that this would be in conjunction with some 3D TV/BD promotion in a hope to push the format.

The annoying thing seems to be, though, that you can only get this (if that's your idea of a good time) if you buy a new Panny Viera 3D TV! It's an exclusive Panasonic promotion. At least that's how it'll be in the US.

Do any of the mods know what's happening in the UK or Europe?

Looking at the Panny sales guide, it says:

Panasonic has exclusive distribution of the 3D disc. This is the only 3D version available. All others will be 2D.

Starting Dec 1st consumers may get a Bonus Panasonic 3D pack (1 AVATAR 3D disc and 2 Panasonic 3D eye glasses with the purchase of any Viera full 3D TV.

Anyone purchasing a Viera full 3D TV prior to Dec 1 will be entitled to a disc via the Viera loyalty programme. (a mail-out)
Is this deal definitely exclusive (i.e. it is not possible to obtain a copy of Avatar 3D without buying a Panasonic television)? Can you post a link to the sales guide? Thanks mate.
As far as I can see this is a US only thing, but if I were Panasonic, I'd want it world-wide. That's why I asked the mods for their take.
[edited by mods- house rules]
Good stuff, Clare. Thanks, I remember now.

But the piece doesn't refer to world-wide exclusivity. Is this the case?

It's going to be great for e-bay......
I don't know about worldwide, but it's certainly US and UK. And could be exclusive as long as Easter, one colleague just suggested...

Announcement expected from Panasonic UK shortly.
How the studios expect 3D to take off when they keep doing these exclusive deals with manufacturers is beyond me. They've got a hard enough battle to attract people as it is in my opinion, without people being put off buying because they won't actually be able to buy all the 3D titles until next year sometime.

Doesn't bother me personally as I have no interest in the current 3D phase, but if I'd just bought a non-Panasonic 3DTV and found out this, I'd be mighty annoyed that I couldn't get the flagship 3D title until next year. And if I was potentially interested in buying a TV, I'd be somewhat resentful of being forced to buy a certain manufacturer to get the film I wanted. Resentful enough to not bother possibly...
Thanks Claire. It could simply be that the above-mentioned hardware and software manufacturers are trying to forge synergies to compete with Sony, which of course produces 3D hardware and software itself... Perhaps that explains the alliance, prof?

I'll get over it anyway, as I thought Avatar was cringe-inducingly bad; hence I've no desire to watch it again, irrespective of the number of dimensions. I'm much more excited by the prospect of the Alien Quadrilogy landing on my doormat (if Amazon get their act together and deliver in the next couple of days). Has anyone received their copy yet? Apparently the remastering of Aliens (with extensive grain removal) is something of a triumph (though controversial among videophiles).

EDIT: it's also interesting that you refer to 3D as a "phase" (implying it will go away). I'm not so sure. I think it's here to stay, whether you/we like it or not...
strapped for cash:It could simply be that the above-mentioned hardware and software manufacturers are trying to forge synergies to compete with Sony, which of course produces 3D hardware and software itself... Perhaps that explains the alliance, prof?

Perhaps, but ultimately all it does is limit the choice for the consumer which fragments the market and ultimately no one wins. It amazes me that these guys still haven't worked this out yet!

strapped for cash:I'm much more excited by the prospect of the Alien Quadrilogy landing on my doormat (if Amazon get their act together and deliver in the next couple of days). Has anyone received their copy yet? Apparently the remastering of Aliens (with extensive grain removal) is something of a triumph (though controversial among videophiles).

Yup, have watched Alien and it looks fabulous. Have briefly checked out Aliens and it also looks very good, though I'll reserve full judgement until I get round to watching it in full.

strapped for cash:EDIT: it's also interesting that you refer to 3D as a "phase" (implying it will go away). I'm not so sure. I think it's here to stay, whether you/we like it or not...

We'll see. I may be interested in a 3D projector when they become more mainstream, but I really can't see the point in 3DTV personally - the TV is too small to effectively create the immersive environment needed for 3D in my opinion. And if the 3D versions of the software don't sell, then studios aren't going to spend money to continue producing them.
"We'll see. I may be interested in a 3D projector when they become more
mainstream, but I really can't see the point in 3DTV personally - the TV
is too small to effectively create the immersive environment needed for
3D in my opinion. And if the 3D versions of the software don't sell,
then studios aren't going to spend money to continue producing them."

Ah, so you're not dismissing 3D outright, just its utility on smaller flatscreens...
Indeed, but then projectors in the home are a fairly limited market. And I'd only get one if it was still fabulous with 2D picture and only had a small margin over a standard 3D projector.

But then who knows, people might love 3D and it could be immensely successful. I'd be surprised if it doesn't go the same way as the Wii though i.e. people buy a new TV set with 3D and so buy a few films to show off to their friends and neighbours, then after a few weeks forget about it and go back to normal.


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