Hi guys
I am interested in purchasing an AVA Media rip n play to store my cd collection and serve my NaimUniti. I presume they are compatible - maybe someone can correct me on this. I have gone down the NAS route before with the Synology DS 211J but after I eventually got it working and transferred my music files ( not really tech savvy ) the motherboard failed. I always intended getting a Unitiserve but at over 2K it is just too rich for me. Has anyone tried the "rip n play" ? It looks like a well built piece of kit and may last a decent time but haven't seen any reviews yet.
I am interested in purchasing an AVA Media rip n play to store my cd collection and serve my NaimUniti. I presume they are compatible - maybe someone can correct me on this. I have gone down the NAS route before with the Synology DS 211J but after I eventually got it working and transferred my music files ( not really tech savvy ) the motherboard failed. I always intended getting a Unitiserve but at over 2K it is just too rich for me. Has anyone tried the "rip n play" ? It looks like a well built piece of kit and may last a decent time but haven't seen any reviews yet.