av recievers and 5.1 packages in a small room


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hi hope to hear others opinions and advice..ive just bought the new panasonic 37inch plasma and a denon 1930,im very happy with these purchases.i really want a 5.1 sound. im using my pc speakers at the mo which are acoustic energys aego m.my room is only 8ft x 8.5ft,is this room to small to be turned into av heaven.i want to ad q acoustics 1010 5.1 or the kef kht1005 and maybe an onkyo 505e or the sony 1200es,is my room to small for this kind of package should i scale down to something smaller and cheaper?? cheers
It's small, but just about doable. The KHT1005s would seem a smart choice - I reckon the Q Acous would take up just too much space once you get five of them and a sub in - while the Onkyo TX-SR505 would seem a very sensible choice at this level.
thanks andrew,just another quick question,is there anything new on the horizon that i should maybe wait for?? cheers!!


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