AV Receiver suggestions please


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
I have just inherited some rather nice kit:

Tannoy D700 speakers, Cyrus CD8se CD player etc.

This is all stuff which would ordinarily be outside my budget.

It is all driven through a rather nice Technics SU-V900 stereo amp and sounds stunning.

I have a pair of Tannoy MC2 with MC centre speaker and want to incorporate the D700s into a home cinema setup.

Can someone recommend an AV Receiver or two which I can audition which would drive the D700s with ease?

Apparently they are a little tricky - wattage and impedence matching is fine, but it is suggested they need quite hefty current from the amp.

As a general question - will a surround amp be OK without a sub connected? I really don't think a sub is necessary with the D700s but most setups will presumably be 5.1 and I am going to be omitting an ordinarily crucial part of this. Will the auto-calibration complain? If I tried this on a PC, it would say "No Subwoofer Connected, please connect subwoofer. Defaulting to Stereo" or some such nonsense.

Thanks in advance guys.

The surround Tannoys should read Mercury M2 (B-Eye) of course! Sorry.

There is a pair of smaller vintage dual-concentrics too which might be better matched to the D700s if that is thought to be a better option - DC200 I think, but I don't have them here yet.

Any takers for the 15" Tannoy sub? R-SUB15 if memory serves - I don't have the room size or space for this and the D700s go low enough anyway - just played the pod-race scene from StarWars (in stereo) and need to rebuild some walls now!
if you're planning on connecting the technics stereo amp to your new avr then the technics will be driving those big tannoys for movies, the centre and rears will be powered by the avr.

so once you get an avr that's capable of driving the (presumably less demanding) centre and rears you should be fine.

unless you're going to leave out the technics and connect the d700's directly to the avr...
Thanks - that's a configuration that I hadn't considered. I was looking at replacing the Technics though, if I could find something suitable - preferably for under £1k.

How would adding an avr to drive rears and centre work?
I imagine that controlling the relative volume of the various channels would be a little awkward.

What I don't want to do is ruin what is a fabulous stereo setup, but given the age of the Technics, that would be possible I'm sure - unless it really was that good in its day?

are you still selling this tannoy sub

if so i am ntersted please let me know


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