AV pre-amp processors


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2008

Has anyone tried Onkyo SC886/Marantz AV 8003/Rotel 1570? Any help would be appreciated as no magazine has compared these.Thanks.
Hi mate,

I have owned my Marantz AV8003 Surround Processor/Pre-Amplifier for a couple of months now. As you can see in my signature, it is mated to a NAD Masters Series M25 7-channel Power Amplifier.

Sonically, I am very impressed with the AV8003. For me, sound quality is top priority, so I am very happy with it. I used to own an Integra DTR7.8 A/V Receiver (which is pretty much an Onkyo TX-SR875 but with fewer 'bells and whistles') performing pre-amp duties, and the difference is significant.

The Marantz AV8003 is much more natural-sounding and much more musical.

Video processing side, which I don't really use, is apparently not that fantastic, but for what I need the AV8003 for, it is wonderful, and I am extremely happy with it.

The Onkyo/Integra kit tends to head towards the more 'exciting', 'ballsy' sound, which seems to impress on short auditions, but I have found that the Marantz has found a sweet-spot with me.

Rotel makes fabulous gear, and the Rotel RSP1570 is extremely well-priced (at least here in Australia, anyway) and should be good, but I have not listened to one, so I cannot make a comment on it.


Thanks for that. Sorry, have been very busy at work, didn't have a chance to see the replies.

Would using balanced outputs make any difference to music as I use a Rotel 1091 power for front speaker duties. Rotel RSP 1570 does not have that.

Hi Sudheer,

I have never experience with balance out-puts. Wherever there is the option of XLR balanced connection and RCA unbalanced connection, the XLR balanced connection is recommended. From what I have read, balanced connection is especially beneficial for long cable runs.


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