Audioplan Konzert iii speakers .... ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

Does anyone have any personal experience with these speakers.....?

I'm looking in to them as a possibility and can find little about them - maybe I'm just rubbish at 'searching' ....

Reviews etc?
I think (THINK!) P. Messenger review them recently with a very possitive write up. I will try to find the mag later.

Why the brand anyway?
I heard the one below them (Kontrast?) at the recent Northants show and thought it was one of the more enjoyable listens there......

With Jadis amp and CD - so no idea what they would be like with my amp(s) - but I have been speaking to the shop - and had a little info pack from them, but found it hard to find much else about them, so if you do discover a review - in full - that would be very useful - thanks......

I am soon to upgrade my amps and speakers and so far have Sonus Faber and Martin Logan on my shortlist to give more time to, having heard them already - among many others that have not been to my liking as much. The Audioplan speakers seemed worth further investigation for a demo, which I have arranged at home in a week or so, but I do like to read up on stuff in advance anyway.


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