Audiophiles Opinion Needed to help me pickup an SACD player + Stereo Amplifier (max:2300£) 2Speakers (Max budget:1500£)


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Since I already have a nice collection of SACDs and still personally believe that this format is really superior to regular CDs I am currently looking to buy a decent setup that should include an SACD Player, Stereo Amplifier and 2 Speakers.


Below some details regarding the music I listen to and my expectations:

-My favourite type of Music is JAZZ but I also listen to Classical, Blues and Rock music

-When I audition a sound system I always use the following CDs:

1- Time Out SACD (Dave Brubeck)

2- Live at Montreux (Rachelle Ferrell CD)

-What I would like to avoid at all cost is Bright sound

-Since most bookshelf speakers need proper stands to perform at their best, I believe I would be more interested in buying floorstanders

Waiting for your Feedback

ideas anyone?

Are the Arcam FMJ CD37 & FMJ A38 a good combination?
marantz sacd players are great and the basic sa7001 costs 400 euros or thereabouts

italian speakers are the best for the music youd like but your looking to buy secondhand sonus faber opera or chario are excellent brands

amps id suggest italian audio analog or unison research again, or electrocompaniet which are better but not cheap also yba if your in france and their cheaper their again you might be better off looking secondhand
If you enjoy an expressive, detailed and articulate player, then the Marantz SA7001-KI is a good choice, especially with your budget (and can find one on an 'end-of-line' deal now the new 8003 has come in).

I love it, it's not the most bassy of players, so you need to make sure you don't partner it with lean sounding speakers and amps, but that apart, what is there is very articulate and lifelike and this extends to the rest of the player's abilities.

It makes CD sound good as well as SACD and with good recordings it absolutely shines.

I think it's an excellent player, allied to good build with a good transport, it's a safe buy.
thanks for the feedback, however I still need the best my money can buy, because I'm doing what I like to call a life time investment.

so I would be ready to invest up to 3500£ (SACD player+ Amplifier+ Speakers)

again I would like to get some feedback regarding the Arcam A38 and CD37

well I am afraid that 'the best that money can buy' at your budget can only be decided by your ears.... there is no one answer.

I would also say that the modern world has taught me that there is no 'lifetime investment' when it comes to electronics, manufacturers are looking at a 5-10 year cycle and, if you are frugle with upgrading and lucky with the breakdowns then you are looking to get 10-20 years out of a product.... there is no one buy that will last a lifetime in terms of durability and relevance (will SACD's even be available in 10-20 years time and what and when will they be superceded... how long will a SACD last? how long before your SACD laser in the player gives up and when it does will there be the capacity to replace and repair and if there is not will SACD be supported in the players that are available as replacements? etc).

Okay so I am probably annoying you now, but I just think that 'best money can buy' and 'lifetime investment' are crooked ways of looking at the choices you face. You should be looking at what is good now and know that it will last a good few years...

You seem to of centred in on Arcam and are looking for reassurance from current owners... that is not necessarily a bad way to do it, but I think that you should - considering the level of investment try to hear whatever system you are liking before you buy. Arcam are good and you can get reviews for the CD37 (from people who have listened to a lot of players and consider value for money) here:

CD37 review

They should be on your list and you should book an appointment at your local dealer.... you should also try and listen to Marantz and then the list spins off... Naim, Musical Fidelity, Primare... the reviews section is good here and most modern players in your price range should support SACD, get a shortlist and hit a dealer up.
Oh... and for some reason even if you had hit the reviews section this Arcam A38 review is hidden... so here it is:

Arcam A38

They are not too complimentary... but other magazines have tended to be kinder.... and then, of course, there are your ears opinion to take into account 🙂
Oh and finally... if you look at the yellow banner that says 'Have your say & ask the experts' on tother side is the 'search forums' box... I am not saying this in a snotty way but if you type Arcam A38 and (seperately) Arcam CD37 into it then it will bring up all the previous forum debates as to whether these machines are any good and if the reviews fairly reflected their performance (many say that the A38 is better than 3 stars etc).


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