Audiolab 8200MB


Well-known member
May 14, 2013
Hello All,

I'm after some feedback regarding the 8200MBs. In recent posts I've gone through scenarios with my current set-up.

In short after initlally biamping my 8200A with my 8200P, there seemed to be a gain issue and treble and instrument separation was a little muddied. So then I went for using the 8200A as a preamp only and biwiring from the 8200P to my Monitoir Audio GX100s. This helped things a little at the top end, but still there could be more room for instrument separation.

I was wondering if there would be any improvement if a traded in the the 8200P for a pair of 8200MB Monoblocks (still using 8200a as preamp)? Would it be worth the extra cost, would get more definition,or is this overkill for the bookshelf speakers?



Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
I did have the 8200A (sold) and have 8200CDQ+8200MB using with MA RX6 in one system.I realized that the 8200A isn´t up to what i expeceted with the speakers i use.It didn´t do well also with a pair of Focal Aria bookshelfs.So I can follow you when you describe what you don´t like with the 8200A.I don´t know the 8200P but honestly i think the problem you have is the 8200A and buying 8200MBs won´t help finding what you are seeking for if you use 8200A as pre-amp.Used as power amp the 8200A was fine but you can get same performance for less or better for the same money.Thats why i sold it at the end.

If you want stay with audiolab i would try e.x. a 8200CDQ as preamp and dac for your 8200P first instead going for 8200MB.Maybe your dealer will let test you.


Well-known member
May 14, 2013
Thanks Esra,

It's comrfoting to hear someone else with the same findings. I already have a 8200CD, but I understand where you're headig with the preamp option. I might be best to try and swap the 8200A with the equivalent 8200Q premap, or 8200DQ daq/preamp

I know it;s silly but I' prefer a volume knob.

Anyone had experince with the DQ or Q models? Will they, in conjunction with my current 8200P do the trick?


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
You are welcome,in that case (knob) i think trading in your 8200A and 8200P for a bigger Marantz (like 8005) or Arcam A38 could be the better/safe choice than rather adding a component more to your system which could be a source for problems.I also had good experience with HK on MA,say something like a HK 3770 could also do the trick for a lot less amount of money as you still have a good CDP and DAC adding an other dac and Internetradio to your system which would give you more flexibility.I will test the 3770 myself as soon as my dealer has a demo model he can let me try at home just out of curiosity.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
They need a lot of time to run in,several hundred hours,they sound too neutral/hard/without emotion in the beginning with speakers like MA/Kef.I intended to give them back after i installed the set at home.Comparison with runned in demos cleared things. After opening up they are pretty much neutral and direct with tendency to the warm side and should grip/control most speakers.They have hefty punch in deep bass .Treble is airy and sparkling and works well with MA Tweeters,at least with the BX and RX range.Could be a little to much with the GX.Stage goes nicely behind your speakers if you let room to the wall.Dynamic and fast presentation, not laid back.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
Well i don´t know 8200P but compared with 8200A the 8200MB are very different.Might be also due that they don´t reach given specs,I highly doubt the given specs in power by audiolab.Thats why I wrote the 8200MB should control most speakers.For a RX 6 and GX100 fairly enough but i cant say that for the 8200A with confidence.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
I did have a dilema if to buy the combo of ROTEL RB1582 & RC1580 or the Audiolab 8200MB's & 8200Q but unfortunately I couldn't find a dealer

that can demo for me the Audiolab so I bought the Rotels ( which I heard at my friend's house and loved it ) . Did someone heard them both and can tell the difference between them ?


New member
Feb 19, 2012
Tackleberry1 - Are you using the REL T5 to 'boost' bass in your system?
Can you bare to turn it off and experiment with speaker position?

Using your speakers with a sub may give you the sorts of results you speak of. You can try turning the sub right down so its level with your speakers and only makes its presents heard on those low notes without slowing down the music.

With regards hifi the bass is not the thing, if you can get use to 'realistic' / proportional levels off bass, positioning your speakers may be all you need. if you want window buzzing bass you're looking in the wrong place with the kit you have.


Well-known member
May 14, 2013
Thompsonuxb, the bass is fine, and i've experimented with turning it off, down, etc. The issue isn't there. I'm getting sufficient fullness, and with toeing in the speakers slightly for a little more focus. The problem I'm still finding is that I'd like to hear a bit more instrument separation and air around things. That's why I was considering upgrading to the monoblocks. I don't listen at extremely high levels and find at the quiter end of things the top end seems to trail off.

In addition to the 8200cd, I've also go the 8200t tuner, so seeing I've already got a full audiolab setup, as I've gone this far would like to stick with it - that's why changing the to a different audiab preamp / monoblocks made sense to me - on paper anyway


New member
Mar 13, 2012
I think the problem is with your 8200A amp and not with your monoblocks . Try to demo the Audiolab 8200Q pre you may notice an improvement in the sound . Usually the pre section in integrated amps is not as good as in dedicated pre amp .


New member
Feb 19, 2012
I agree with many other hear, you may need to evaluate the 8200a make sure its not faulty - its had mixed reviews, I had one for a month and was not impressed posted my views on here, some disagreed saying it sounded fine so.....

Your system probably looks gorgeous - I like the look of the Audiolab kit - but if you can check out the options if you've tried everything else.


Well-known member
May 14, 2013
I've got someone coming round to have a listen to get a second informed opinion. Without hearing it yet, I'm tipping swapping over to a 8200q might help things along. Then if need be I could look at the monoblock root. I'm just getting a little tired of little tweaks to get it right and want to start enjoying my system more, that's why I've been entertaining the monoblocks so I don't keep thinking what if........