Audiolab 8200CD issue


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2013
I recently purchased an Audiolab 8200CD player to replace my problematic NAD C545BEE (see older post).

The 1st model I received didn't play any CDs and the replacement model jumps when I lay a CD box on top of the player. With my old NAD and all previous players I have had, after inserting the CD in the player I then put the empty box on the top of the player and none of them have ever jumped.

Is this a normal issue with the Audiolab 8200CD or should I exchange it for a 3rd replacement?
Loscozzese said:
I recently purchased an Audiolab 8200CD player to replace my problematic NAD C545BEE (see older post).

The 1st model I received didn't play any CDs and the replacement model jumps when I lay a CD box on top of the player. With my old NAD and all previous players I have had, after inserting the CD in the player I then put the empty box on the top of the player and none of them have ever jumped.

Is this a normal issue with the Audiolab 8200CD or should I exchange it for a 3rd replacement?

That one doesn't seem fit for purpose either, replace or return and try a different manufacturer.
Simon Cunvin said:
Dont put anything on top of it is the obvious answer

I'd agree with this in theory, but if a simple CD cover upsets the function of the player so easily there may be something else wrong, after all you should be able to stack this stuff
muljao said:
Simon Cunvin said:
Dont put anything on top of it is the obvious answer

I'd agree with this in theory, but if a simple CD cover upsets the function of the player so easily there may be something else wrong, after all you should be able to stack this stuff
When you spend this sort of money on a cd player, stacking them should never ever be in your head, if you see how these are built you would know the transport sits right at the top, and is made of plastic, some are open, and some are enclosed, there are many cd players out there that will play up with the slightest weight on top of them, some are braced, but not many, only ever seen a few Marantz ki versions that do this, then you have the flimsy covers, these are not designed to be stacked, they are expected to be placed in dedicated stands, and this Audiolab 8200CD player, well see for yourself
Simon Cunvin said:
muljao said:
Simon Cunvin said:
Dont put anything on top of it is the obvious answer

I'd agree with this in theory, but if a simple CD cover upsets the function of the player so easily there may be something else wrong, after all you should be able to stack this stuff
When you spend this sort of money on a cd player, stacking them should never ever be in your head, if you see how these are built you would know the transport sits right at the top, and is made of plastic, some are open, and some are enclosed, there are many cd players out there that will play up with the slightest weight on top of them, some are braced, but not many, only ever seen a few Marantz ki versions that do this, then you have the flimsy covers, these are not designed to be stacked, they are expected to be placed in dedicated stands, and this Audiolab 8200CD player, well see for yourself

Which is why I suggested a different manufacturer.
Loscozzese said:
I recently purchased an Audiolab 8200CD player to replace my problematic NAD C545BEE (see older post). The 1st model I received didn't play any CDs and the replacement model jumps when I lay a CD box on top of the player.

Just face it you're jinxed. A more useful answer is take it back to the shop. Are you sure your CDs are clean? You've already had more faulty CD players in a short time than I've had faulty players in a lifetime.
MajorFubar said:
Loscozzese said:
I recently purchased an Audiolab 8200CD player to replace my problematic NAD C545BEE (see older post). The 1st model I received didn't play any CDs and the replacement model jumps when I lay a CD box on top of the player.

Just face it you're jinxed. A more useful answer is take it back to the shop. Are you sure your CDs are clean? You've already had more faulty CD players in a short time than I've had faulty players in a lifetime.


Perhaps if he removed that albatross from around his neck..........

I am not too sure where the OP is getting these from as they have been replaced by the 8300CD.
Right, are your CDs burned by yourself ? Or just bought in a shop ? If so, I just cannot understand such things. No it is not ok , normal CD players should only jump / skip when you really give it a stronger shock or push it violently to a side etc. Where is the basic quality check ? It reminds me the same thing with Cyrus a few years ago when they were constantly releasing faulty CD players until they got it right eventually. Again, for such companies and especially in this price range this is really unacceptable. Mind, you're asking for third ! replacement.
stereoman said:
Right, are your CDs burned by yourself ? Or just bought in a shop ? If so, I just cannot understand such things. No it is not ok , normal CD players should only jump / skip when you really give it a stronger shock or push it violently to a side etc. Where is the basic quality check ? It reminds me the same thing with Cyrus a few years ago when they were constantly releasing faulty CD players until they got it right eventually. Again, for such companies and especially in this price range this is really unacceptable. Mind, you're asking for third ! replacement.-

I wouldn't worry about how many replacements you ask for, if the build is that shoddy then move on......

After all with cheap CD/ DVD drives in use there is no excuse in not putting them in decent and rigid enclosure. Anyone that builds flimsy CDPs these days should be named and shamed. To the OP, change your manufacturer..
Al ears said:
stereoman said:
Right, are your CDs burned by yourself ? Or just bought in a shop ? If so, I just cannot understand such things. No it is not ok , normal CD players should only jump / skip when you really give it a stronger shock or push it violently to a side etc. Where is the basic quality check ? It reminds me the same thing with Cyrus a few years ago when they were constantly releasing faulty CD players until they got it right eventually. Again, for such companies and especially in this price range this is really unacceptable. Mind, you're asking for third ! replacement.

I wouldn't worry about how many replacements you ask for, if the build is that shoddy then move on......

After all with cheap CD/ DVD drives in use there is no excuse in not putting them in decent and rigid enclosure. Anyone that builds flimsy CDPs these days should be named and shamed. To the OP, change your manufacturer..

I think you've been very unlucky and imagine very disappointed. For 450 pounds you'd get something really very good. Did you get this model for the built in DAC function? If so maybe the Cambridge audio cxc transport and the DAC magic 100 might be a good replacement, giving you a highly rated transport and the DAC function new for approx same money


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