Hi guys, listening to a lot of stuff last night and I came across a couple of tracks that I swore were distorted. Not excessively just a little in upper midrange vocal, bizarrely only on certain tracks from the same CD. Ushered in a fresh pair of ears and she confirmed 'somethings not right' so I re-ripped the CD and it was still there. Played the CD directly and same result but not as bad, still on the same tracks. The distortion is very slight, the best way I can describe it is if it was vinyl it would be a case of 'some fluff on the stylus' type of sound. Had a look in the amps' manual and the input sensitivity is 300mV on all inputs, none are dedicated to any particular hardware. The output on the CD is up to 2V and the output on the iRDAC can go up to 2.2V. Am I right in thinking that some attenuation would cure this? If so what value would be good, a bit of a loss in outright output isn't an issue.
Thanks again.
Thanks again.