Are plasmas better for gaming?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Due to quicker response times and perceived resolution on moving images on LCDs?
Are there any great plasmas around for under £650? Pref around £5-600?
andyb190 kindly recommended me the Pana TH-37PX80 which I've seen around £550.

Should I worry about the 1024x720 resolution?

Any other recommendations guys?

Any info will be appreciated
Honestly you need not worry overly about the resolution and the tv is good (check out the review on this website) but I suggest you go and audition as soon as poss to compare. Trust your eyes not just the specs and make sure you sit the same 3m that you will at home. Take a PS3 with you if they haven't one.
I'm going to see it on this weekend. If the quality looks spot on I most def will get this, seems a bargain at £550!

I haven't got a PS3 yet, decided to wait a few weeks until the 80gb comes to the UK, trying to get the store to hook one up.
If it is solely Games You want I would opt for a 360 over a PS3 any day of the week, but if You want to take advantage of the Blu-Ray side of things then the PS3 wins.
PS3 is instantly for GT5P and GT5 when it comes out.

I've used both quite a bit and being used to the PS and PS2, I never felt at ease with the 360, the PS3 is definitely for me. Blu-ray is a superb plus and will defo be getting used a lot for when hooking up to the 1080p 46/50" my parents will get sometime.
I actually disagree with andy about resolution. There is a lot of text displayed on game footage, which undoubtably will look better on a sharper 1080 set. Also details like far away objects - like other players in the distance on COD4, particularly the snipers, are clearer and more visible. High Def movies, Standard Def and DVDs look great on that set, but for gaming I would look elswhere and IMO this applies to any XGA (1024x768) set.
Go 1080P, and dont worry about LCD. I use a PS3 on a Sony LCD, and its fantastic.

The extra definition is DEFINITELY worth it IMO.
I do not like Plasmas and gaming.

I get way too on edge for burn ins. I own a 42" Kuro Pioneer and one day I played Ridge Racer a bit too long and I ended up with a burn in of the speed-o-meter.

I am now psyched to buy a 37" Kuro LCD.

I wouldn't worry about the speed of LCD's as long as you buy a proper one (don't go for samsung) and as said above, I have to agree on the resolution issue. 720p is all you need for gaming at this moment. Not until next generation 1080p will pay off.
astute:one day I played Ridge Racer a bit too long and I ended up with a burn in of the speed-o-meter.
Was it burn or image retention? If it was burn, presumably you still have the speed-o burned into the screen to this day? If so, how long did you play the game for?
For about 6 hours, it is part retention and part burn-in.

The speed-o-meter is not always visible, only during some scenes it becomes apparent if you pay attention to it. It was very apparent in the beginning though, it kind of faded away.

I don't like plasmas for gaming, make me too on edge, also the opening screens, menu's or desktops in gameconsoles or games freak me out. Therefor I like LCD for gaming over Plasma. Just for the ease of mind.
I'd get on to Pioneer as I wouldn't expect a modern Pioneer plasma to have that issue for 6 hours of gameplay. I've had static images on my nearly 3 year old Panasonic plasma screen for over 8 hours (due to falling asleep when playing a game) and, although there was image retention, it cleared within a few minutes of TV watching.
I'm afraid budget has come into it more than I was hoping. The next month or two will bring new car, PS3, holiday and F1 tickets (maybe) as well as the TV.

So I am currently waiting to see if JL will price match the Pana TX-32LXD85 for £450. If they can, I'll take it. After spending lots of time looking around (and seeing the TV), I think it is amazing value. Fingers crossed for now!

Thanks for all of your advice guys, much appreciated!


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