Are Atabites essential?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I've just bought a pair of second-hand Atacama SE24 speaker stands for my 685's. I'm just wondering if Atabites are necessary. What exactly do they do? Is there a cheaper but effective alternative? If not, will one tub be enough for both stands?

Your help is much appreciated.

I have also asked the same question a few months ago. The general consensus was that atabites are better than sand and they should be filled to about half way. I am still using sand filled to the top but maybe I will get around to atabites if I can get some cheap. I am working in the theory that the more inert or dead they are, the better and the se24 will ring like a bell if you tap them unless they are full.
Theres some atabites for sale on eBay currently; going cheap and with a cheap delivery price as well!

IMO; having numerous speaker stands and having use atabites in some and not in others; id say YES, use them.

They offer better damping over sand and as they 'interlock' with each other they make the stands feel more solid.
Only done a quick search so far but they're available via Amazon. £26.50 for one 9Kg tub, £45.50 for 2 (prices include delivery).


Does anybody know how many Partington Dreadnaughts take to half fill?
lot cheaper here - postage for 2 is 8.50 but might be worth calling and asking if they can do it cheaper
After some experimentation, I filled my Atacama Nexus 6 stands about 3/4s full with atabites - kept increasing the amount filled and listening, then putting more in, then listening and then eventually took some out as felt it was flattening the sound a bit - if that makes sense! Obviously, your own tastes may well (and probably will) differ from mine so would recommend the same experimentation.

For me, one 9Kg tub was enough to fill both my Nexus 6 stands.
up the music:Only done a quick search so far but they're available via Amazon. £26.50 for one 9Kg tub, £45.50 for 2 (prices include delivery).


Does anybody know how many Partington Dreadnaughts take to half fill?

I asked Peter Partington about this before, he told me there is no point filling his stands with atabites as they are quite heavy already. I can't remember what he did suggest using, it was either rice or oats! I put a bucket full of atabites in each of my Ruarks though, lord help me when I move.
Be careful when you are empptying the buckets and wear thick gloves, I found an unchopped nail in one of my buckets.
up the music:Only done a quick search so far but they're available via Amazon. £26.50 for one 9Kg tub, £45.50 for 2 (prices include delivery).


Does anybody know how many Partington Dreadnaughts take to half fill?

From what ive read on here recently and from what people have said (inc Clare of the WHFI team); none!

Im looking at getting some partingtons soon and theyre very heavy from the start so they should be fine without atabites!
As long as it's not a finger...

But yes it's disappointing, as one of my motivations was that it would be 'cleaner' than sand.

If you want to mass fill the stands, or anything for that matter, use kiln dried sand from a builders merchants.Far cheaper and just as effective.

Mass filling anything is done to reduce resonance of the equipment and to increase the weight for a better/more stable coupling.

Some poorly designed kit can be a bit flimsy without it.
lol I got it... just checked the definition of nail... Thought it was a human nail lol. I guess I have to improve my English.

More seriously, what I mean with cleaner is something that has no dust-like fine particles that can possibly leak. In this respect the quartz atabites are nice but outrageoulsy expensive - especially if you take into account international shipping...


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