Arcam A70 & Quad 303


New member
Jun 21, 2015
Hi all, hoping someone can give me some advice or thoughts. I have just been given a Quad 303 power amp that looks in good condition. I was thinking of having it serviced and connectors updated and then using the pre-out on my current Arcam A70 amp to act as the pre-amp. Appreciate the 2 are years apart but any reasons out there to not do this or why it shouldn't work? Listen through thorens and garrard turntable and a network player for flac.

Thanks in advance
Welcome to the forum.

There's no reason why it shouldn't work. The biggst issue will be if they are compatible or not. I'm familiar wth the Arcam but not Quad power amps, although reviews say they are quite smooth. If that's the case, they should marry well.

The only way of knowing is to try the combo. Sorry can't be more helpful.
Yes that was my thoughts exactly, no reason they shouldnt work well together but just wondered if anyone had tried anything similar. Thank you for the reply and I will post my results once the quad is refurbed and serviced and ready for use.


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