I have it connected hdmi to my denon1909 but if i also take an optical to my dacmagic would it auto detect the one trying to use or would i have keep going into the settings
Happy days ill order one all i want to do is use the denon atv3 setting hdmi for airplaying you tube and home sharing my itunes movies but id like air play itunes music and spotify to my dac magic cause it sounds better and i have set an input on my denon as dacmagic with 2 channel and use pure direct so thanks for the fast help
Make sure you don't fall foul of auto-switching (if any) on your a/v amp as it may detect a signal from two sources at the same time. My problem is the opposite - I run HDMI into an a/v amp, and optical into a hifi amp - meaning I need to completely switch off one when using the other. First world problems I guess.
Never thought of that i do leave the dac magic on 24/7 as it seems to cool that way. But im hoping that by selecting the input on my avr amp that it will know what i trying use.