JohnDuncan:Agreed, but the Extreme doesn't have any sort of audio capability...
Yes, the Extreme is just a router. Just pointing out that the different Apple products' USB have different capabilities and quite easy to confuse which one does what.
@Helmut - might be easier if you told us what exactly you want to do.
Some basics that I experienced (others may know more):
- the benefit of NAS is that you don't need your PC to be on to access the data. However, as I mentioned above, if you are using iTunes (with Apple TV you must), then iTunes must be running on your main PC. So NAS is not beneficial, unless you are using it as a home server for everything else and not just sharing iTunes library. There are some NAS machines which claims to run an iTunes server, but so far I've heard that you still need iTunes to be running on your PC.
-sticking an external HDD to a router via USB would allow various computers/devices to access that drive. I use the apple Extreme as my router. This way, your iMac need not be on for your Macbook to access the library. However, if you want to access the library from Apple TV, your iTunes must be running, i.e., your Mac needs to be on. The benefit of using Apple Extreme is that if your iMac is in sleep mode, the Extreme can wake it up when Apple TV is calling. I am not sure if this wake-up function works with other routers.
By the time I have completed re-ripping all my CDs in ALAC, my iTunes library will be too big for my MacBook, so I need to keep it on a separate HDD. The problem is that our router is in the corridor, not a good place to keep network storage. Ideally I would like storage that can connect the network wirelessly so I can put it anywhere ( hide behind tv or sofa).
The end product I would like is an iTunes library shared so the missus can access it from her macbook as well, that can then be streamed with airplay from any of our Macs, or the iPad to AE/ATV > DAC > Amp.
Is the easiest solution to just find a better place for the router, stick in a 2TB external and be done with it?