Anyone own an SPL meter and an iPhone?


Well-known member
I was wondering if anyone owned an SPL meter (sound level meter) and also had an iPhone with the Decibel app. Do you know if the App acurate ish? Ive read a lot of Audesey setup guides which claim its best to dial in the sub volume manualy (on the sub side) before running setup, but would rather not buy a meter if I can help it.

Has anyone used the Decibel app? So far I've only used it to take readings of my girlfriends snoring . Is it accurate, within say +/- 5%?

Lee H

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Oct 7, 2010
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The apps I've tried have never been that good. I bought a meter from Maplin for less than £20 and I have to say it has really helped, especially with the sub set up.

Tom Moreno

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Nov 30, 2008
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Lee H:The apps I've tried have never been that good. I bought a meter from Maplin for less than £20 and I have to say it has really helped, especially with the sub set up.

Seconded. The iPhone app is not very accurate. The maplins meter I bought was rubbish as well as it is a digital meter. Best for calibrating is an analogue meter, especially for taking sub measurements. When measuring the sub the needle will rock back and forth over a range of as much as a few db and you need to take the middle of the range as the measurement. this is nearly impossible to do on a digital meter.

This one is the old trusted standard...


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