Any WHF staff make it to work today?

query regarding the Wireworld Luna 6 review, given 5 stars at £60 but retail price starts at £33 for 0.5m. I was wondering how this price difference affects the comparisons with the Merlin cable at £40. Which is best?
Both great cables. The Luna has a little more agility while the Merlin delivers a very solid sound. Down to your tastes and system really this one. We'd happily recommend both, so try and get an audition or just take the plunge one way or the other and be confident you have a fine cable.
I think its a case of take the plunge. The only shop here is Richers. I think I liked the write up on the Luna. cheers
May i just congratulate the OP on the thread title. Much more imaginitive than A Question For The Team etc...Effective too, it seems.
sorry didnt mean the cable was BOGOF, just the WHF staff. The Luna is £30 / 0.5m from Hificables inc delivery
bluenose:sorry didnt mean the cable was BOGOF, just the WHF staff.



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