any owners of the sony str-dh810


New member
Jan 28, 2011
could you tell me about your thoughts on this amp im working with a budget and have read some positive suff about this A/V amp , just wandered what some of you guys thought about it .im currently hooked up to a old yamaha amp through coxial from my blue ray just using dolby digital , is there a massive difference with the dolby master audio hd .
I am interested in the same, in fact I have also been thinking about the STR-DH510 because I want 5.1 sound only, we have a Yamaha system with an HTR5540 (RXV430) receiver (5* in 2003), the sound quality is fine using HDMI from the Sony BDPS-570, RDR-DC-205 and PS3 to the 37EX403 TV and optical SPDIF from the TV to the receiver though the Sony amp would offer HDMI switching and thus full Dolby as well as being fully remote control compatibility with the TV, BDPS-570 (blueray player) and RDR-DC205 (DVD/ hard disc recorder).

Hi there

i auditioned the sony strdh 810 at richer sounds bristol along side a pioneer vsx520k both at 279.99 with 5 year aftercare, both do hd codecs but the pioneer only has 3 hdmi outs. i was using a sony strdb830qs which i got cheap on ebay and in its day was quite a machine so was thinking i would prefer the sound of the sony but once i heard the pioneer i was sold, i found it much warmer and not as harsh on the treble i think i would have found the sony tiring to listen to for to long also i found the pioneer to have a much more direct sound, alote of people have said that the pioneer lacks punch, my front room is about 4.5 by 4 and the pioneer fills the gap with alote still to give. the guy in the shop was saying that the sony gives alote of bells and whistels for the price but if your interested in sound quality and 3d ready hdmi, and overall build quality id go pioneer



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