Another phono stage issue


New member
Mar 11, 2008
I have just found an original Project phono box which I had not used. I set it up

yesterday using an AUX input on my Onkyo 875 hoping to improve the sound quality

from my aged but recently serviced Rega 2. The sound quality from both the Project

and phono stage of the Onkyo were indistinguishable, both being poor. The detail was

lacking and volume very low. Could both phono stages be equivalent and poor, or is

the Project not working properly? I have checked the settings in the box for MM/MC,

even tried MC but no change. Any suggestions as to how I can improve things?
Are you using an MM or an MC cartridge? Also, have you checked the settings on the Pro-ject phone box?
Hi OB.

Could be a number of things - the cartridge on the TT could be past it's best, or the Onkyo could be masking the sound from the Rega (although that seems unlikely).

What cartridge is on the Rega?
I'd be very surprised at this as you should experience a marked improvement over a built in phono stage. I would check the settings you are using.
Thanks for replies. The cartridge is a Grado Green Spot MM and was installed by the

guy servicing it so is brand new. I have checked the Phono box and other than MM/MC changes - which

are very simple to make - there is nothing else to alter. Input / output are correct.

Not too sure what settings on the amp to change, have set the input at +6dB to try and improve

things. Makes it a bit louder but that's all. Think I will take the Phono box to the hifi shop

involved and see what they say.


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