Angry Birds Seasons - new advent calendar edition!

Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
To all fellow Angry Birds addicts - there's a new 'Seasons' edition like an advent calendar: new game for every day.

Android version already free to download (and looking mighty fine on the Samsung Galaxy Tab, it must be said), and Apple version imminent...

Ideal if you're stuck on a long journey to/from work[😀]

EDIT - Apple versions (standard and HD for iPad) of Angry Birds Seasons now on iTunes App Store
I hate you.

I've got a new favourite - Cut The Rope - maybe not quite as easy to get into as Angry Birds but just as satisfying when you get it right!!
SteveR750:I have just installed Angry Birds....what have I started?

An obsession my friend. I've completed the main one and the Seasonal one is currently being tackled. Love the advent calendar stylee.
Cut the rope is good, but its all about the 'Axe in face' at the moment, based iPhone game out there 🙂 best 59p I've ever spent, and thats firmly in double decker territory
Graham_Thomas:SteveR750:I have just installed Angry Birds....what have I started?An obsession my friend. I've completed the main one and the Seasonal one is currently being tackled. Love the advent calendar stylee.

Oh Lordy...I haven't been to bed for 3 days now!
Graham_Thomas:SteveR750:I have just installed Angry Birds....what have I started?An obsession my friend. I've completed the main one and the Seasonal one is currently being tackled. Love the advent calendar stylee.

Oh Lordy...I haven't been to bed for 3 days now!

see why I hate Clare?


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