Analogue sounding CDP

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Thanks for the replies so far...some interesting options. Let me try to explain what I meant by analogue.....

Doesnt matter if that sound would be considered coloured or against everything that a CDP stands for (accuracy of data extraction etc etc). Is it possible to get the analogue experience from a CDP within the quoted budget or are the two worlds so far apart that the only way to get the analogue experience is to buy a turntable. Purists would answer that a turntable was the only way to go but does anyone think otherwise.

Spot on!

Unless you have a plan to buy mega money SME then I would say, choose the right CD player (for £1,500 you should get that sound, but not new though) and you wouldn't need to change your music collection from small silver to big black disc.
I was troubled by a similar problem - my Cyrus CD8X was woefully bland and lacking contrast compared with my Gyrodec - convenetional wisdom said that I'd have to spend very big bucks to match the Michell.

In the end I've (very recently) bought a Chord QBD76 DAC and whilst I haven't had time to do direct comparisons yet, the Chord really rocks and brings the best out of digital with qualities I tend to associate with vinyl. Whilst perhaps not in your budget at the moment, this does give confidence that you might audition the Chord 64 with interest?

Otherwise the tube buffered CDP's mentioned previously are a good start - especially the Consonance.
I have a Rega Apollo and was surprised and pleased at how un-cd like it sounded. So as suggested the Rega Planet, being the next model up from the Apollo would be a very suitable option for you. Good luck !
I think you mean the Rega Saturn. The Planet is the predecessor of the Apollo.

Analogue? Definitely not warm. By the same token, for those solid state or digital products that exhibit tonal warmth in operation, are they analogue too?

Said it for years now that the Rega P3 with an AT440-MLa is so far away from the typical view of what analogue is all about, it would suprise many if they did a blind test. Detailed, full, highly rhythmic, it's a million miles away from the "warm and safe" presentation vinyl is supposed to be all about.

In terms of digital, I'd add one to the list if you can still get it - my CD player (surprise!). The Marantz SA7001-KI has a big, open and revealing sound that captures everything without it becoming sterile. Needs some degree of careful parterning to avoid going in with other leaner sounding kit or overly neutral, but get the synergy right and you're on to a winner.
I think you mean the Rega Saturn. The Planet is the predecessor of the Apollo.


Heh, be warned folks - this is what Ebay does to you, muddles your brain !
Saturn and Apollo's are great cd players, but they are not even close to sound like a vinyl(analog). I do not know the price, or if you may find these brands but I listened and test all of them. Each of them play like vinyl, but also has the best sides of the digital world. I am using a EAR Yoshino, changing the default tubes with NOS make them unbelievable.

Audio Research Ref cd7

EAR Yoshino Acute(with nos tubes, top of the list)

Exposure MCX

Ayon cd1, cd1s

Primare cd 31
matengawhat:try any of the musical fidelity cdp that include a tube buffer - very nice/warm/detailed sound

MF CD 5.5 ex demo reduced from £2000 to £1000 at some dealers
Many thanks for all the replies so far...plenty to think about....too many choices. I will bounce all this info around my pea sized brain and see if I can make up a shortlist. Thanks
I would suggest - before embarking on your search - that you actually listen to a good analogue set-up. (If you have not already done so.)

If you go to listen to Rega Apollo CD player then there is a good chance the dealer will also have a Rega P3-24 and Elys 2 available to listen to and compare. (Obviously you will need to find some LPs if you don't already have any.)

To make the comparison a bit fairer ask if the dealer could connect the P3-24 with a Rega TT-PSU too.

Maybe you have a friend with a good analogue set-up you can listen to.

You don't say what your experience of analogue is, so I don't know what 'benchmark' you are aiming for with your next CD player.

If you are after 'warm' then you might find that a good TT/Arm/Cartridge sound is not actually that warm. (Tends to be a bit of a myth - all that analogue 'warmth' - just as much so as thinking all CD players sound 'sterile' is a myth too.)

Vincent CD-S6 Hybrid HDCD Player. This one sound beautiful!

May be the best match would be the SV-236. Anyone heard this combo?
The 2 most analogue sounding CDP's that Ive owned are the Minimax at around £900, and a Consonance Linear CD2.2 at around £14/1500.
Based on what I've owned and heard in the last three years or so (owned in BOLD):

Rega Apollo (British!)

Roksan Kandy MK3 (British, very well made and regularly available cheap on eBay)

Eastsound E5 Signature Edition (Chinese mega-player... one of the very best CDPs I've ever heard regardless of price - sold it so could go travelling :-( :-( [double sad-face])

Marantz SA7001KI (wonderfully smooth analogue sound - and SACD to boot! Very much superior unit to the matching PM7001KI amp, and has a measured performance almost as good as Marantz flagship SACD players).

Opera Audio Consonance CD120 Linear (great NOS DAC design)

Raysonic CD 128 (tubed)

Cambridge Audio 640C or 840C (when partnered to a valve amp or a heavily banwidth limited solid state design, IMO)

I'm currently using an OPPO DV-980H as a transport into a DAC-Magic - timing and soundstage very reminiscent of good analogue source.
Any thoughts on the most analogue sounding CDP for around 1500. Tried a little research but came up with nothing, seems that analogue and CDP dont go together very well. Any and all thoughts welcome.

When i heard about one of the most analogue players in the world made and distributed by one of the biggest companies in the world and cost a few pounds but was equal to a 3-4k player i shook my head in disbelief. A little searching came up with an unbeleivable review, so much so it had to be read a few times to be believed. Unfortunately i cant give you the direct link but if you use google and search for leben harbeth you should find it on page three.

Let me know what u think!!
chebby: lies the problem...

How so?

'Exciting' is not necessarily (and depending on the material) loud or bassy or harsh or bright or lacking in details or imagery.

It is to do with immediacy and engagement. Does it 'grab you' (sorry to go 1960s) or does it soothe you.

My interpretation of analogue is 'earthy or rustic' sounding and not (use the word loosely) clinical.
plastic penguin:chebby: lies the problem...

How so?

'Exciting' is not necessarily (and depending on the material) loud or bassy or harsh or bright or lacking in details or imagery.

It is to do with immediacy and engagement. Does it 'grab you' (sorry to go 1960s) or does it soothe you.

My interpretation of analogue is 'earthy or rustic' sounding and not (use the word loosely) clinical.

This little gem is exactly that!!

I second the consonance cd-120 linear. It has that beguiling midrange (natural, smooth, dynamic and detailed), a nice solid bottom end with a nice airy non harsh top end. Compared to cambridge 640cv2, creek evo, arcam cd73t, marantz cd7001 much more natural sounding see (hif fi + review and hifi world as well) even preferred it to the rega apollo - it was close. It has a nice analogue character - natural, realistic warm sound.


Most, not all CDP that sound more analogue don't up sample, though there are exceptions. I use an Usher CD1, these players are fairly cheap. Cost cutting on the case work, but with fairly nice internals. Sounds absolutely rubbish standard compared to my primare cd31. though once isolated with a decent power cord out performs my primare in most areas and costs half the price including a good ac cable. I find it very natural and fluid with a very large sound stage, ever so slightly on the warm side without being bloated. In Australia I paid $900 for the usher and $3000 for the primare. Not saying the Ushers better directly but I guess it just works better in my system. Sad considering ther primare was suppose to be an upgrade but now i dont use my cables and platform came after the puchase.


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