I dunno if this helps but Thaiman recommended a cairn fog a few weeks ago to someone else. Put the following into google:
Cairn FOG v2 SOFT
Its being sold second hand and supposed to be analogue sounding (about 5 down). Good reviews too. I would try if I could.
Hope this helps.
Indeed Lee, Fog 2 is a bargain at the typical 2nd hand price of £550ish (new was £1,600 but the brand name lacking kudos! so a big price drop). However if £1,500 is the budget then we can have more fun, analog sounding?
New. Marantz SA11S1, Sugden A21 SE, Meridian G06
Ex demo. Opera Audio CDP 5.0, Unison research Unico (newer model with digital inputs), Cairn Fog 3 (preamp/DAC/CD player in 1!)
2nd hand. (may be £100 off either way depending on condition) Orpheus Labs Zero, Naim CDX 2, Audionet ART V2, Wadia 301 and the almighty Marantz CD 7 (if you can find one there is no better analog sounding CD player this side of £5K!)