AMPs with Phono / MM / MC compatible and many more questions.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

I am new to the Hi-fi world and have been researching quite a bit in setting up an analog system but still clueless to go about it . I would very much appreciate comments and open to any suggestions as per below questions :

1. Turntables: clearaudio concept or Rega P3-24? Leaning towards the concept cause it has 3 speed changes.

Please advise whether both TT's cartridge can be changed to MM or MC without changing the tonearm as I would want to experiment with both types and try to suit it to the different genres of music I will be listening to.

2. Phono: clearaudio Nano or Smart ?

3. Integrated Amplifier :

- Rega Mira 3 or Naim Nait 5i or Roksan Kandy K2 Amp ?

- What does "MC phono in 0" and "MM phono in Yes" means ?

- When I compared the Tech specs I found that Mira and Nait has "MM phono in No", does this mean that they are not compatible with MM phono ?

-Is the Roksan Kandy K2 Amp integrated with phono ?

-please advise any other model or types with phono intergrated and with MM and MC compatible.

4. Speakers : Modern audio BX 5 ?

5. Cable : clueless (as in the behaviour not a brand 😛)

thanks in advance people/masters.
spinit said:
Hi all,

I am new to the Hi-fi world and have been researching quite a bit in setting up an analog system but still clueless to go about it . I would very much appreciate comments and open to any suggestions as per below questions :

1. Turntables: clearaudio concept or Rega P3-24? Leaning towards the concept cause it has 3 speed changes.

Please advise whether both TT's cartridge can be changed to MM or MC without changing the tonearm as I would want to experiment with both types and try to suit it to the different genres of music I will be listening to.

2. Phono: clearaudio Nano or Smart ?

3. Integrated Amplifier :

- Rega Mira 3 or Naim Nait 5i or Roksan Kandy K2 Amp ?

- What does "MC phono in 0" and "MM phono in Yes" means ?

- When I compared the Tech specs I found that Mira and Nait has "MM phono in No", does this mean that they are not compatible with MM phono ?

-Is the Roksan Kandy K2 Amp integrated with phono ?

-please advise any other model or types with phono intergrated and with MM and MC compatible.

4. Speakers : Modern audio BX 5 ?

5. Cable : clueless (as in the behaviour not a brand 😛)

thanks in advance people/masters.

As regads question 1 it'll be down to budget. The cartridge can be MC or MM, but you need an amp that's compatible with the cartridge. MM is generally the most popular. Can't answer question 2. Question 3 both the Rega and Roksan has a built-in MM phono stage. The Naim doesn't. So if you choose the Naim you'll need an outboard phono box or stage. Other amps with built-in phono stages are: Arcam, Rotel, Marantz, Leema Pulse (this one has MC and MM), Roksan Kandy not Caspian... Question 4: Depends which amp and source you choose. And pretty much the same with cable. They tend to have less effect on the tonal balance, nonetheless, important. Hope this acts as a springboard.

Edit - Bare in mind before you audition the speakers to decide whether stand mounted (bookshelf)speakers or floorstanders will be better suited to your listening room. Remember, floorstanders generally will give you more bass, so if your room is fairly small stand mounted will probably be better suited.
Hi plastic penguin,

As regads question 1 it'll be down to budget. The cartridge can be MC or MM, but you need an amp that's compatible with the cartridge. MM is generally the most popular.

So with both TT, the cartridge is interchangable ?

Question 3 both the Rega and Roksan has a built-in MM phono stage. The Naim doesn't. So if you choose the Naim you'll need an outboard phono box or stage. Other amps with built-in phono stages are: Arcam, Rotel, Marantz, Leema Pulse (this one has MC and MM), Roksan Kandy not Caspian...

So the terms "MC phono in 0" means they do not have MC built in but they are compatible with a separate MC phono ?

Question 4: Depends which amp and source you choose. And pretty much the same with cable. They tend to have less effect on the tonal balance, nonetheless, important. Hope this acts as a springboard.

Edit - Bare in mind before you audition the speakers to decide whether stand mounted (bookshelf)speakers or floorstanders will be better suited to your listening room. Remember, floorstanders generally will give you more bass, so if your room is fairly small stand mounted will probably be better suited.

The room i would be placing it will be around 4 x 4 metres.

I am still unsure as to how do i go about mixing and matching of different brands, it would be great if all the brands are at one place, but thats not the case. What I am trying to look for is something within my budget and the best at the given price range, but then again I come back to the 'compatibility' stage.

Do you think I should just go with the MM system first then progress to the MC at a later stage ?

Many thanks.
spinit said:
Hi plastic penguin,

As regads question 1 it'll be down to budget. The cartridge can be MC or MM, but you need an amp that's compatible with the cartridge. MM is generally the most popular.

So with both TT, the cartridge is interchangable ?

Question 3 both the Rega and Roksan has a built-in MM phono stage. The Naim doesn't. So if you choose the Naim you'll need an outboard phono box or stage. Other amps with built-in phono stages are: Arcam, Rotel, Marantz, Leema Pulse (this one has MC and MM), Roksan Kandy not Caspian...

So the terms "MC phono in 0" means they do not have MC built in but they are compatible with a separate MC phono ?

Question 4: Depends which amp and source you choose. And pretty much the same with cable. They tend to have less effect on the tonal balance, nonetheless, important. Hope this acts as a springboard.

Edit - Bare in mind before you audition the speakers to decide whether stand mounted (bookshelf)speakers or floorstanders will be better suited to your listening room. Remember, floorstanders generally will give you more bass, so if your room is fairly small stand mounted will probably be better suited.

The room i would be placing it will be around 4 x 4 metres.

I am still unsure as to how do i go about mixing and matching of different brands, it would be great if all the brands are at one place, but thats not the case. What I am trying to look for is something within my budget and the best at the given price range, but then again I come back to the 'compatibility' stage.

Do you think I should just go with the MM system first then progress to the MC at a later stage ?

Many thanks.

The best advice, without going into chapter and verse, is to book an audition and ask the dealer his recommendations. If possible, once you've found the right combination, I would ask for a home dem. Only then will you be able to obtain truly whether the one in the shop is up to scratch.

Or watch this link:
Sorry about earlier post, and I'll try an answer in more detail.

In 30 odd years of buying and listening to hi-fi I've never heard the term "MC phono in 0" means? did you get this from an amplifier spec sheet? Outboard phono stages (separate box)can be adapted. That's not important. As mentioned before most phono stages, whether built-in or separate are usually Moving Magnet.

Before you do anything find an amp that has all the inputs you need: Phono stage, CD, AUX, AV. Once you achieved that then look at reviews/this forum to find out what's hot and wots rot. So for example do you prefer a warm or bright sound? Remember that if all components pull in the same direction you could end up with a 'orrible sound.

Mixing and matching is about demoing different combinations. After 30 years I'm still learning. Again, room size will be about physical experimentation: the general guidlines I go by is if your room is sparsely furnished with wooden floors or "reflective" then you'll need a system which is tonally forgiving. The best way of testing your room is to go "Hello" and if you hear echoes then you need either more soft furnishings or careful partnering of your prospective hi-fi.

I'd forget about MC and MM and just go Moving Magnet.

These are only guidlines because we all hear something unique.

Unless you listen to few different combos there's no sure way of knowing.

Hope this helps.
Hi PP,

thank you very very much for the advise, heres what I am leaning towards atm :

Clearaudio Concept

Clear Audi Smart Phono

Naim Nait 5i

Neat Motive 2 speaker

cables still clueless

presently I have just ordered the Concept and its a month wait, after I receive the TT, I plan to carry it around to the different outlets to try the diff amps and speakers.

Musically i will be listening to rock / swing jazz / classical, the sales advised me that for rock Nait would be the best bet, so more info from this forum would be great !

thanks PP and all.
I’ve never had a Clearaudio TT but I’m not convinced carting one around to demos is a good idea, someone who has one may disagree and I’ll accept their first hand knowledge but to me too many things can go wrong, You will definitely need to ensure it’s safely packed every time you move it.
I would never have taken my Rega anywhere and that was a pretty basic design.
I’ve carted my amps and CDP all over the place but TTs need setting up and leaving IMO.

Edit. Why has this come out in silly small print. It never used to.
spinit said:
Hi PP,

thank you very very much for the advise, heres what I am leaning towards atm :

Clearaudio Concept

Clear Audi Smart Phono

Naim Nait 5i

Neat Motive 2 speaker

cables still clueless

presently I have just ordered the Concept and its a month wait, after I receive the TT, I plan to carry it around to the different outlets to try the diff amps and speakers.

Musically i will be listening to rock / swing jazz / classical, the sales advised me that for rock Nait would be the best bet, so more info from this forum would be great !

thanks PP and all.

You're welcome...

The Naim is a very good amp and choice of speakers seem spot-on. Before you part company with your hard-earned dough, listen to the Rotel RA-1520 and Arcam A18. For me, these two companies produce some of the finest built-in phono stages around.

Good luck.
spinit said:
Hi all,

I am new to the Hi-fi world and have been researching quite a bit in setting up an analog system but still clueless to go about it . I would very much appreciate comments and open to any suggestions as per below questions :

Hi, I'll add my comments below...

spinit said:
1. Turntables: clearaudio concept or Rega P3-24? Leaning towards the concept cause it has 3 speed changes.

Please advise whether both TT's cartridge can be changed to MM or MC without changing the tonearm as I would want to experiment with both types and try to suit it to the different genres of music I will be listening to.

The most popular speeds are 33 or 45rpm. How many 78s do you have? Is that a major attraction for you? Both TTs can take MM or MC, but a good MM cartridge will be fine for your needs. MCs only really start to get seriously good (IMO) when you start to get to the likes of Lyra Dorians or Ortofon Kontrapunkt Bs, but neither are cheap. The few that are kicking around for less than £300, well, go for a good MM - Goldring 1042, Audio Technica AT440-MLa, Ortofon 2M Black and the like, and you'll be fine.

spinit said:
2. Phono: clearaudio Nano or Smart ?

Phono stage? Why those two? Have you thought about the Trichord Dino - £299, though might have gone up to £350 or so. See also phono stages by Graham Slee. You needn't go mad at the level your pitching at.

spinit said:
3. Integrated Amplifier :

- Rega Mira 3 or Naim Nait 5i or Roksan Kandy K2 Amp ?

- What does "MC phono in 0" and "MM phono in Yes" means ?

- When I compared the Tech specs I found that Mira and Nait has "MM phono in No", does this mean that they are not compatible with MM phono ?

-Is the Roksan Kandy K2 Amp integrated with phono ?

-please advise any other model or types with phono intergrated and with MM and MC compatible.

The Harman Kardon HK990, and the XTZ A100 D3 amps both have acclaimed phono stages and the HK990 also does MC. I would explore the amp options over and above the ones you mention. Nothing wrong with them, but it looks like a prescriptive list - vinyl ain't like that!

Your quotes would suggest that the Mira and Nait amps don't have a Moving Magnet onboard phono stage, you'd need to provide one and plug it into one of the line level inputs on the amp.

spinit said:
4. Speakers : Modern audio BX 5 ?

5. Cable : clueless (as in the behaviour not a brand 😛)

Monitor Audio's BX5 is alright, but you can/should do better if you're partnering it with the other gear. A higher spec speaker would be a good benefit not only for your ears, but the partnering equipment.

Cable, well, I use 14AWG / 322 strand speaker cable and some basic interconnects. Advice is seriously divided depending on who you talk to, so all I would say is try and demo some cables of all prices and see what you think. My interconnects cost me about £50 all in. 10m of speaker cable was about £5.50 and that's all-in, not per metre.

thanks for the advice. The brands that was mentioned are not available in the country that I am in, so well i got to stick to the brands that I mentioned earlier. Even then, the price are much more expensive here considering the freight etc.

Still waiting for the Concept...latest update is that they have only just ordered it. sigh.

So in the mean time I have ordered some vinyls:

NIRVANA NEVERMIND 180g LP (BLACK VINYL)1 METALLICA DEATH MAGNETIC 180g LPMETALLICA BLACK ALBUM 180g LPQuestion : As mentioned earlier by Plastic Penguin, bright or warm sound, where should be I leaning towards in terms of playing the music above, to fully maximize the system ?Question:What is the name of the type of cable for:Turntable to Phono ? Interconnect ? Is it a universal plug?Phono to Amp ? Interconnect ? Is it a universal plug? Amp to speaker : I am assuming its called speaker cables, but are there different types of plugs or a universal one ?Many thanks people !!!
Disclaimer: I know nothing about phono stages or TT!

From the music you listen to it may be worth also looking at or listening to unison research amps, have seen the unico with phono stage go on e-bay for very good money lately.


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