Amplifier help needed


New member
Oct 13, 2014
Hi I am new to the forum, hello to all.

i have just rediscovered the joy of vinyl, having purchased a rega rp1 with all the upgrades, going through a marantz pm6500 into a set of monitor audio silver 1 bookshelf speakers on stands. I also purchased a cd6005 which sounds fine, but the sound of the turntable has disappointed somewhat, and I can't help but feel the amp is where the problem lies.

i was wondering if any of you guys could recommend some amps to audition for under £1000, I have the rega phono preamp but am flexible as to using or not using it.

Many thanks in anticipation


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Four suggestions:

Creek Evolution 100A

Croft Integrated

Musical Fidelity M3 si

Rega Elex R


New member
Oct 13, 2014
Thanks for the quick response CnoEvil, had been looking at the rega but not the others, I will certainly consider them for an audition if I can find them.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2012
Hi-FiOutlaw said:
CnoEvil said:
Four suggestions:

Creek Evolution 100A

Croft Integrated

Musical Fidelity M3 si

Rega Elex R

Add one more to this list!

Naim Nait 5 si

besides these, the Roksan (all great suggestions and +1 for Naim 5si and Creek from me) and Arcam FMJ A19, you could also try auditioning B&W 685 s2 speakers with a PM 6005 in the shop, it might be the MA's fault and this cheaper upgrade might fix it.


New member
Oct 13, 2014
Thanks for all the suggestions, I don't think its the speakers that are the issue Hi-FiOutlaw, because it's only really on vinyl that it seems a bit disappointing, however I will try plugging in an old Onix amp and see how that sounds.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2011
Jorenzo said:
Thanks for all the suggestions, I don't think its the speakers that are the issue Hi-FiOutlaw, because it's only really on vinyl that it seems a bit disappointing, however I will try plugging in an old Onix amp and see how that sounds.

It was Rainsoothe that point it out the speaker issue...



New member
Apr 8, 2011
Why not go for something like a Sony 770 ES for about £300, which would leave £700 to upgrade the vinyl source?

Buy one for the right price. Audition it extensively at home. In the rather unlikely event that you don't prefer it to what you've already got, sell it for about the same price you bought it.


New member
Jan 27, 2013

I think you should buy either the Rego Brio-R or new Elex-R and sell your Rega phono preamp. Both have excellent built in phono stages. Better than the what the Marantz has. Honestly, if I were you I would sell the phono preamp and the RP1 and buy a RP3 and Brio-R.

Other integrated amps that have great built in phono stages are Creek and Croft.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2012
Jorenzo said:
Thanks for all the suggestions, I don't think its the speakers that are the issue Hi-FiOutlaw, because it's only really on vinyl that it seems a bit disappointing, however I will try plugging in an old Onix amp and see how that sounds.

yup, 'twas me :)

But how come you're looking at the amp instead of the TT or the cartridge? I'm not defending the Marantz, I know it has a character that might not be to everyone's liking (liquidy), but if you like it when using CDs and it's bad only when playing vinyls, then it might be the turntable or the cartridge. Can you explain what you find lacking (is the sound too thin, or not tight enough)? Or is it generally dissapointing?


Well-known member
Jorenzo, I am not convinced it is your amp at all. If you like the CD sound then it is the weedy basic Rega that is letting you down.

Get a demo of RP3 plus Brio, but otherwise just get a better tt.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
Well it could be the phono stage rather than the amp. Or it could be the tt set-up. You could try a rega phono amp. They are about £80 see if that improves it at all.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
Yes, the cartridge alignment can make a big difference if incorrect. Has it been checked out as well as all the other aspects of TT installation? Also, are you using a new or used cartridge/stylus? If the TT is correctly installed then there could be something wrong with your phono preamp. It would seem a shame to spend good money on an amp if the problem is actually somewhere else. In fact, if the current amp is not the issue then the money would be better invested in upgrading the cartrdge of phono preamp as the basic RP1 should give a decent sound.


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2012
rainsoothe said:
Jorenzo said:
Thanks for all the suggestions, I don't think its the speakers that are the issue Hi-FiOutlaw, because it's only really on vinyl that it seems a bit disappointing, however I will try plugging in an old Onix amp and see how that sounds.

yup, 'twas me :)

But how come you're looking at the amp instead of the TT or the cartridge? I'm not defending the Marantz, I know it has a character that might not be to everyone's liking (liquidy), but if you like it when using CDs and it's bad only when playing vinyls, then it might be the turntable or the cartridge. Can you explain what you find lacking (is the sound too thin, or not tight enough)? Or is it generally dissapointing?




New member
Dec 26, 2013
BigH said:
Vladimir said:
The best performing British made amplifier for under 1k is the Roksan Kandy K2 BT.

hmmm that is your opinion of course. Have you heard the rega and croft?

Do I need to listen to every amplifier on the current market to have an opinion? I just need to look at the specs and the innards. I've owned MANY amplifiers and I easily browse through the weed to find the flowers. Roksan K2BT is the best based on performance. Tonal character is flavored water, I don't consider it as anything of value.

Find me another amp for under 1k built in Britain that doubles down from 150Wpc in 8 ohms to 300Wpc in 4 ohms. Something Rega will never achieve.


New member
Oct 13, 2014
Firstly apologies to both Rainsoothe and Hi-FiOutlaw for the earlier mixup.

When using CDs my expectation level is lower, I've played the same Brian Eno on both sources and the vinyl definitely has more to offer in terms of both subtlety and warmth.

The problem is when I turn the volume up to a reasonable level ie a half to two thirds on the amp, it seems as if the amp can't seem to handle the amount of input and loses all the subtlety and warmth it once had.

With cd at the same volume it seems consistent to lower volumes.

Also I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time to reply to me, every thought is appreciated and considered


New member
Oct 13, 2014
I'm using the upgraded rega cartridge and the phono pre with the usb out on it, I'm not at home at the minute so can't check any further


New member
Apr 8, 2011
It could also be a change of location / support for the Rega would bring about some nice improvement in sound quality at the louder volumes for no cost or minimal cost.

The Rega is unsuspended and vinyl sources are rather microphinic. It's easy for them to pick up vibrations sent out by the speakers, especially if they're on a floor mounted stand close to the speakers. These vibrations really muddy up the sound.

Try something like an original Sound Organisation turntable table, or a light rigid shelf mounted on a solid brick wall, or simply placing your turntable as far away from the speakers as you can.