amplifier dilemma: marantz mp7003 or nad 355bee


New member
Aug 10, 2019
has anyone seriously auditioned those two amps and compared them? I had no chance to do that. need your advice ASAP before I spend 500 euros. hi fi crisis is building up..
babajaglika:has anyone seriously auditioned those two amps and compared them? I had no chance to do that. need your advice ASAP before I spend 500 euros. hi fi crisis is building up..

No, I haven't. It really depends on your source and speakers, both Marantz and Nad have very different sonic characters.
I would pair them with NAD C525bee. I m not sure about speakers since Mission M34i are ready to be updated...MA RX2...for example..
The Nad pairing would be the obvious choice, but not necessarily the best.

Nad amps usually have poweful bass and well detailed. The Marantz, in my view, has broader sound across all frequencies. Both are very good. If you can't audition, then plump for the Nad pairing; if you find the character not to your liking you could always sell it and go with Marantz.

This is a tough question without knowing what 'does it for you' sound-wise - and, of course, what sort of music you prefer.
babajaglika:has anyone seriously auditioned those two amps and compared them? I had no chance to do that. need your advice ASAP before I spend 500 euros. hi fi crisis is building up..

One is not better than the other; it just comes down to personal taste. I would say that the Marantz amp does look better/more stylish than the NAD amp though for what it's worth.
as I am getting older, theist is shifting from rhc peepers to something more classical music...the punch is still needed but detail is taking its place...
Hi, well, the other options are yamaha AS700, onkyo A9555, harman kardon HK980, audiolab 8000s..your opinion..?


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