Amplifier advice


New member
Aug 10, 2019
My old and beloved Cyrus II + PSX is getting past it - the input selectors are shot, my local repair shop tells me the part is no longer available, and their attempt to clean them up was only a temporary success. In short, it can't be economically repaired and I need to replace it.

Problem is the replacement needs to drive some Castle Harlechs, and I can't really afford a replacement of the same quality with a realistic budget of less than £500, so what's my least worst option? I toyed with the idea of a NAD C372 which would certainly drive the speakers but I am worried that it would have to sit beneath a shelf and I hear that they have a tendency to destructively overheat. Richer Sounds is offering the v1 Cambridge 840a at £449 for graded stock, but reviews paint it as a bit bright. Second hand is an option, any suggestions?
I have owned a NAD C350, and yes, it did get fairly warm. As long as you leave a couple of inches' gap then there should be no problems with the 372- you'd have to rant it for quite a while to overheat it, and even then NADs have good thermal cut-out circuits. I would go for it personally- fantastic amp which will have no problems driving your speakers.

If you like your Cyrus, eBay usually has some fairly tidy deals, seen a 6VS2 for £349, and 3s, 5s and 7s often pop up, all well within your budget...
Not sure if Seneoaks have any 8vs2 left. I got one a few months ago for £500.00, and have never looked back.
And if they don't, then Sevenoaks might have some
Thanks guys, all useful advice. Sounds like I should give Seneoaks a call. Or Sevenoaks.


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