Amp/Speaker Pairing


New member
Dec 15, 2013
Hello, I just joined the forums in search of some advice.

I recently bought the Marantz PM6004 integrated amp. and was leaning towards a pair of B&W 685's. That is until I stumbled upon a thread on another forum criticizing this pairing and suggesting the 6004 is nowhere near capable of driving those speakers. Any truth to this? I'm building my first stereo system, open to any suggestions on speakers for this amp (preferably keeping it at the 685's price point or lower). The other brands available where I live are Paradigm, Focal, PSB, and Polk. A place nearby used to sell Monitor Audio but not sure if they still do.

Thanks for any advice you may give and happy holidays !


New member
Dec 13, 2013
Hello Jabod, what is your budget for a pair of standmounters?

Keep in mind that you also need a pair of good stands, or do you have these allready?

Grt Paul


New member
Dec 15, 2013
My budget is around $600 for the speakers, not taking into account the stands (do not have any at the moment).


New member
Dec 13, 2013
I'm from Holland so i don't now what they costs in the country you live.

But a pair Monitor Audio Silver RX1 or Bronze BX2 would be a fine match with Marantz.

For stands you can buy a pair of Atacama's Nexus and fill them half or 3/4 with birdsand.

Good and not overpriced speakercable would be Canare 4S8 or 11 (4 core cable for use single or bi-wire, so you can find out with one cable what sounds best). ;)
jabod said:
Hello, I just joined the forums in search of some advice.

I recently bought the Marantz PM6004 integrated amp. and was leaning towards a pair of B&W 685's. That is until I stumbled upon a thread on another forum criticizing this pairing and suggesting the 6004 is nowhere near capable of driving those speakers. Any truth to this? I'm building my first stereo system, open to any suggestions on speakers for this amp (preferably keeping it at the 685's price point or lower). The other brands available where I live are Paradigm, Focal, PSB, and Polk. A place nearby used to sell Monitor Audio but not sure if they still do.

Thanks for any advice you may give and happy holidays !

Having heard 685s with entry-level Rotels (40 watts per channel) the Marantz shouldn't have a problem, unless you live in a barn or you want to EDITED the neighbours off. :)

Al ears

Well-known member
Quite agree with the PP's remarks, including the EDITED bit.

The amp will drive the 685's well enough. That said they will accept more umph from more powerful amps.

Try to audition them as can be a tad 'bright' although I note your other choices could be considered even brighter.

Either the 685's or the MA's I'd suggest. It's all down to your own personal taste though.


New member
Dec 15, 2013
EDITED the neighbours off is certainly not one of the things I have in mind !

Thanks for clearing that up guys, I was doubting this pairing for a second. I'll make sure to audition them first.


New member
Mar 7, 2013
I've tried the 685s at length with my PM6004 and they are a good match. I settled on Kef Q100s in the end which I thought gave a nicer balance overall. I should perhaps have gone for the Q300s as they would have given me more bass but my room is a bit too small for them to give of their best. Kef and Marantz do seem to work well together and are definitely worth a listen.


New member
Dec 15, 2013
Thanks for your reply, Machinemessiah.

I've read good things about pairing the Kef's with the Marantz but I'm afraid they can't be found where I live so no chance on listening to them.

Could you elaborate a bit more on your experience with the 685/PM6004?


New member
Mar 7, 2013
The B&Ws have a bigger enclosure so the bass does seem to go a bit deeper. I didn't find them bright but not as neutral as the Kefs. I felt that the trade off of less bass for an overall more balanced sound suited me. I could quite happily live with the B&Ws if I hadn't heard the Kefs in comparison. If you have a source that isn't going to induce brightness or a forward mid range into the sound (as I have) then they will IMHO be a good match for your amp.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Machinemessiah said:
.........If you have a source that isn't going to induce brightness or a forward mid range into the sound (as I have) then they will IMHO be a good match for your amp....
.... What spk are you talking about?

Do You think that B&W 685 are more bright than Kef 100/300 ?

Anyway I'm driving B&W 603 S2 floorst.


( the grand mother of B&W 684)

with Mara 6004 and is ok . 8)


New member
Mar 7, 2013
I see, sorry I was talking about the B&W 685s.

They do go well with the Marantz PM6004 and it was not a sound that I was against. The Kef Q100 (or better still the Q300) and the Marantz I thought more listenable for longer periods. I have been proved to be right. I just think that the Marantz/Kef combination sounded a bit more natural to me and was more what I was looking for. I can't really explain it any better!


Well-known member
If you can give the 685s a bit of space - say 35cm from side and rear walls, then absolutely go for it. I once had it with my 25w Solo Mini, and what I can say that there's not another standmount at the price that has a wider, deeper or taller soundstage. I also did not find them bright at all - if you have a good quality amp they're refined enough - and I never ever suffered fatigue from extended periods in any parts of the frequency range.